Because FlightSpan™ cannot accurately calculate flight and duty time without accurate flight or duty time records, there are flags in several places alerting you to missing data.
On the Flight Records List page, The flight time is flagged if it’s missing ATD/ATA.
The pilot is flagged if:
- ATD/ATA missing (Even if you have created a duty record for that day, the system doesn’t know if that duty record covers the flight)
- Duty record missing
- Today’s flight is uploaded, but today’s duty record hasn’t been closed

The Legs Flown section of the Flight Record Detail will also be flagged.

The Staff Fatigue Status Flight Time Limits and Duty Time Limits sections will also be flagged.

Resolving Missing Flight Times
If flights are uploaded without an ATD or ATA, flight legs missing the ATD or ATA will not be displayed on the Flight Time Limits graph.

From the flight record detail, select the blue pencil icon to open the flight leg.

Add the missing beginning and ending times, as well as Block Out and Block In as necessary, and save.

Once there are valid ATD / ATA times the flight will be displayed and the badge will be removed.

Flights that are uploaded without Block times will default to flight time for the Flight Time Limits calculation (or to flight time plus one tenth depending on the Company Custom Setting for logging pilot flight time).

Resolving Missing Duty Times
Flights that are uploaded without duty time will be flagged, but FlightSpan™ will use your company’s standard pre and post flight duty time intervals (applied prior to the first leg and after the last leg) to generate the Duty Time Limits and Rest Timeline graphs. (No duty time record will be created.)

From the Flight Record
There will be a red banner at the top of the flight record to resolve missing duty time.

If you click the Resolve button, it will jump to the bottom of the record where you can click the green Add Duty Time button.

If there are valid ATD/ATA records, the duty time will be prefilled with the default duty time before and after the flight.
Select RON Yes if the pilot remained overnight away from their normal base of operations; select Locked Yes to lock the record and prevent further editing.

If there are overlapping duty time records, you will not be able to save the record.

If necessary, open the Pilot Detail to correct the duty time entries by clicking on the blue pencil icon, or delete duplicate entries with the red trash can icon.

From the Pilot Detail
From the Duty Time tab of the Pilot Detail, scroll down to the bottom and click the green plus button to add a new duty time entry, or the blue pencil icon to correct a duty record.

From Your Personal Device
Open the duty time page on your personal device, and create a duty time entry.

Closing Open Duty Periods
There will also be a flag if a duty period was not closed.

There are several ways to close an open duty period.
The pilot can select My Settings from the Settings Menu, and open the Duty Time tab.

Or select My Pilot Data from the My Settings menu on the left, which will open the Pilot Detail with the Duty Time tab already open.

From both locations use the blue pencil icon to edit the open duty record.

Another way is for the supervisor to go to the Duty Time List where individual duty records are listed.

Click on the pilot’s name next to the record to see the record details, and delete or edit as desired.

Finally, a pilot can use the duty time page on their personal device, navigate to that date, and clock out.

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