Flightspan™Ops Release Notes 4.2.2

New Features

  • Runway Chart layouts can be created and managed for different aircraft types, and Runway Charts can be edited with images, printed and synced with the EFB to be displayed in the EFB app.
  • All printed documents in a Test or Staging instance will now have a watermark over them to prevent fraudulent activity.
  • Duty Time and Time Off requests have been opened up to all staff. All staff can now use the mobile web app for duty time located at


  • A new “Request Time Off” button has been added to the duty time web app located at
  • Added a warning in Schedule Detail view if user schedules a flight at date/time where there is already a scheduled flight
  • Made duty time more clear by preventing breaks from reducing duty time, and adding a new “Work” column that is affected by break time taken during the shift.
  • Changed Label for Duty Time from Rest to Break
  • Added Tax Invoice Document for Flown Payment Loads available on the payment page of flown flights.
  • Created Finance Daily Cash-In Report which details all transactions on a given date.
  • Added a new setting for scheduling called “average_overage_time_percentage_for_projecting_scheduled_flights”. This setting will be references to increase projected flight times as they pertain to aircraft maintenance events. This setting does not currently affect projected flight times or duty times for pilots.
  • Created Deferred Income Report
  • Added Deferred Income Customer Report
  • Allowed all routes to be exported
  • Added option to check for unexported loads in prior periods when exporting billing data.
  • Added an “All aircraft” choice to the drop down list when using the Database Export Report
  • Appended Account Name to the Payment Description on Flight Loads List
  • Added Calculated Fields to the Runway Charts (Distance and Bearing From __ and Magnetic Variation)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with chart image urls being sent to EFB
  • Fix Bug with Inactive Pilots Showing as Active Pilots in Dropdown List
  • Fix a bug with printing certain documents when Chrome’s Setting is to Download PDFs
  • Updated schedule changes to make sure that scheduled flights are synced with Google Calendar at all appropriate times.
  • Fixed a bug with Pilot logbooks not recording accurately
  • Fixed a Bug causing the printed_date of a receipt to be changed when reprinting
  • Fixed a bug with schedule/manifest External Load checkbox not functioning as it should
  • Fixed a bug causing the 2 Week Schedule on the EFB to not work properly.
  • Optimized landing zone coordinates when created through EFB
  • Fixed a bug preventing Request users from being able to log in successfully
  • Fixed a bug causing Price Line Items to Show on Data Substitutions List
  • Fixed a bug causing scheduled flights to be adjusted with an inaccurate time after the flight has flown.

New Permissions

The following permissions are new and used for allowing a user to create update and delete non-flying/non-maintenance events on the scheduling calendar:

  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartLayoutIndex
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartLayoutCreate
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartLayoutUpdate
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartLayoutDelete
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartCustomFieldsIndex
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartCustomFieldsCreate
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartCustomFieldsUpdate
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartCustomFieldsDelete
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/RunwayChartView
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/RunwayChartSubmitChanges
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/ChartPdfDownload
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/RunwayChartRevisionsIndex
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/RunwayChartRevisionsView
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/RunwayChartRevisionsUpdate
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/RunwayChartRevisionsApprove
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/LandingZoneChartRevisionsApprove
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/RunwayChartRevisionsReject
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/LandingZoneChartRevisionsReject
  • FlightSpanOps/Navigation/RunwayChartRevisionsDelete
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/DutyTimeIndex (changed)
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/DutyTimeCreate (changed)
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/DutyTimeView (changed)
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/DutyTimeUpdate (changed)
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/TimeOffIndex (changed)
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/TimeOffCreate (changed)
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/TimeOffView (changed)
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/TimeOffUpdate (changed)
  • FlightSpanOps/Staff/TimeOffDelete (changed)

New Settings

The following are new Company Settings introduced with this release:

  • average_overage_time_percentage_for_projecting_scheduled_flights
  • show_pilot_and_aircraft_type_color_coding_on_public_monthly_schedule
  • scale_runway_lz_chart_images_to_fit_content_to_page
  • pilot_time_off_email_notification (changed)
  • pilot_time_off_request_bypass_approval (changed)

The following are new Company Preferences introduced with this release:

  • Daylight Savings Start Date
  • Daylight Savings End Date
  • Daylight Savings Offset