Flightspan™ Ops Release Notes 4.3.5


  • Aug 29, 2024 – Added total count and weight to footer of cargo on standby list
  • Aug 29, 2024 – Fixed bug requiring a refresh after itemizing manifest loads
  • Aug 29, 2024 – Added created_at updated_at columns to payment_loads_price_table
  • Aug 29, 2024 – Fixed a bug with aircraft compatibility rules on flight records
  • Aug 29, 2024 – Fixed a bug when flight request first leg is created with a charter rate and converted to a payment before aircraft and flight time are specified
  • Aug 28, 2024 – Fixed bug in patchmanifeststoflightlegs API call
  • Aug 28, 2024 – Fixed a bug with scheduled load created from request not calculating additional flight time
  • Aug 28, 2024 – Fixed bug with link to flight request not being preserved when itemizing loads
  • Aug 28, 2024 – Fixed bug with payments not being able to be created
  • Aug 27, 2024 – Added cruise altitude to schedule leg hover details
  • Aug 27, 2024 – Fixed bug with fuel calculations on scheduled flights not correctly setting departure fuel from previous leg
  • Aug 27, 2024 – Fixed a bug causing poor manifest altitude selections when heading is close to zero and magnetic variation bumps heading below zero
  • Aug 27, 2024 – Added visibility of cash account to manual receipt deposit process and a link back to the payment
  • Aug 27, 2024 – Fixed bug with ignore load weight feature not working on scheduled flight loads
  • Aug 27, 2024 – Allow superseding loads to be itemized when the cost will not change
  • Aug 26, 2024 – Fixed bug with schedule leg form not saving changes to altitude
  • Aug 22, 2024 – Fixed bug with manifest errors showing in error on legs associated with schedule
  • Aug 21, 2024 – Added clarity to complete manifest when company setting to use max takeoff wt instead of max ramp wt is in place
  • Aug 20, 2024 – Fixed new exceedance calculation not used in pilot flight and duty time compliance report
  • Aug 20, 2024 – Restored ability to itemize pilot receipts
  • Aug 20, 2024 – Fixed migratiion bug and manifest link flight bug
  • Aug 19, 2024 – Fixed bug printing manifest fails when show cash receipt or account is not checked
  • Aug 19, 2024 – Fixed bug with itemize and add infant childadult buttons showing on superseding load form
  • Aug 19, 2024 – Fixed bug preventing link to rate on data substitution view details page
  • Aug 15, 2024 – Fixed a bug with leg start time not being set correctly after dragging scheduled flight leg to first position
  • Aug 15, 2024 – Fixed a Yii vulnerability