Office Staff

The Office Staff course covers a wide variety of topics: generating Quotes and Payments, creating Manifests, managing Flight Records, managing cash, Billing, exports, and more. Depending on the structure of your organization, not all topics will be relevant to all office staff. But this is the learning track where you will find the information needed for the daily management of the finance and loading side of your operation.

  • 1. Introduction to FlightSpan™ Ops

    Video Version Overview FlightSpan™ consists of two major components: FlightSpan™ Ops, which is hosted on a cloud-based server and runs in a browser.  And FlightSpan™, which is an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) app which runs on an Apple iPad. To oversimplify, a flight consists of three basic steps: Planning the Flight A customer submits a…

  • 2. Getting Started

    Video Version Account setup Request your new account from your company FlightSpan™ Ops administrator. They will send you an email with a temporary password. When you log in, FlightSpan™ Ops will open the reset password screen.  After you click Change Password, you will be logged out and will have to log back in using the…

  • 3. Navigation

    Video Version User Permissions Access to data in FlightSpan™ Ops is customized based on user permissions. If you can’t access information that you need, communicate with your company FlightSpan™ administrator about giving you additional permissions. For example, Maintenance Controller may have a fairly short list of permissions, Whereas the company administrator may have permissions that…

  • 4. Help

    Video Version Integrated Help Throughout FlightSpan™ Ops, wherever you see a small question mark, hover your mouse over it for information about the meaning of the area or field. Also, important pieces of data have been enhanced to show additional information. Enhanced Data is underlined with a dashed line. Hover the mouse over the data…

  • 5. Staff Time Off

    Video Version Supervisor Role From the Staff / Users menu select Time Off List. To create time off for a staff member, click on the green plus button, fill in the blanks and save.  To approve a time off request submitted by a staff member, click on the staff member’s name, then the edit button,…

  • 6. Creating and Linking Loads

    Video Version From the Scheduling Calendar, click on a flight to access the Schedule Detail page.  While viewing the Schedule Detail, scroll down to the Loads sections.  Non-Manifest Loads Manually Create Non-Manifest Load Non-Manifest Loads are generally outstation-outstation or outstation-home base loads. Create a new non-manifest load by clicking on the green plus button.  Enter…

  • 7. Flight Manifests

    Video Version Introduction A flight manifest is a collection of loads departing from a single location, but potentially having multiple destinations. They are either home base to out-station loads, or from a location where you have an agent who is logged into FlightSpan™ Ops and can create FlightSpan™ Ops manifests. (Not all organizations will choose…

  • 8. Manifest List

    Video Version The list of Flight Manifests can be accessed from any page by selecting Manifest List under the Flights menu, Or using the shortcut (if you have added it) from your home screen. By default manifests are sorted by date and time (which normally corresponds to the flight date and time), but sort order…

  • 9. Creating a FlightSpan™ Manifest

    Video Version The first and most common way of creating a manifest is when dropping a flight request containing an account number or payment record, select Create Manifest when FlightSpan™ asks if you wish to create a new manifest. When you drop the next flight request onto the schedule, you will be given the option…


    Video Version FlightSpan™ Ops provides you with a powerful Quote tool for quoting single or multi-leg flights for your customers. Once a quote has been generated it can be converted directly into a Payment or saved as a Flight Request. Open the Quote tool from the Home page if you have added the shortcut, or from…