FlightSpan™ Ops Release Notes 4.0.4

  • ADDITION: Updated Flight Schedule creation process to automate creation and linking of manifests and payment with schedule loads and requests.
  • ADDITION: Added custom manifest numbering functionality. When a formula is determined in the Company Settings, the manifest number will be updated (if needed) each time a manifest is saved.
  • ADDITION: Added new “Tentative” flight schedule status. This status will be visible on the public calendar, but will not send out notifications, require crew members or be limited in dragging/dropping. See this page for details.
  • ADDITION: Add mini calendars for date selection to Schedule Calendar view. Navigating to the scheduled calendar will no longer require you to fill out date range fields. You can do so at the top of the scheduling calendar.
  • CHANGE: Changed all waypoint inputs to use ajax in order to prevent lag. Opening a waypoint dropdown will now not show any results until you enter at least 2 characters in the search field.
  • CHANGE: Added total payload and available payload to the schedule legs detail view
  • CHANGE: Added Company Setting to Toggle Schedule Status Notification Emails
  • CHANGE: Added Due At end of Calendar month option to aircraft maintenance events
  • CHANGE: Updated Indonesian translations
  • CHANGE: Made holidays visible on the published calendars
  • CHANGE: Added context help to departure time on Schedule Detail view
  • CHANGE: Changed label on Schedule Load “Note Override” to “Override Description With Published Note”
  • CHANGE: Added DMS to Helipad way points
  • CHANGE: Created custom field on account page so suitekey can be stored for NTM
  • CHANGE: Added Estimated Fuel Required to the manifest Parameters box
  • CHANGE: Hovering and clicking on flight Schedules in Monthly schedule reveals additional details
  • CHANGE: Created a Flight Schedule Report sortable by region and date
  • CHANGE: Made two week flight schedule available to public request users.
  • CHANGE: Deactivated the Route Load Through Hub button on the Payment view until there is at least one payment load
  • CHANGE: Added aircraft registration to aircraft maintenance event view title
  • CHANGE: Added “Classes” for airstrip risk assessment categories.
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug causing synced Payments from the EFB to show zero total in the payment list
  • BUGFIX: Darkened colors of upcoming and expired staff currency status
  • BUGFIX: Forced Staff Currency Status Date input form to allow for 2 digit year entry
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug preventing additional Flight Time from increase length of local Legs (identical dept/dest)
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug causing Currency Event Next Due Date to be calculated incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug causing maintenance events to change future events belonging to other aircraft when saving
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug not allowing reports to find the most recently used adjustment
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug keeping payment from using account data when created from a request
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug not propogating flight/manifest links loads created from request
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug causing loads to be unlinked from manifest when a user without linking permissions saves the manifest.

Please note the following Staff Permissions that are new in this release and should be added to a the appropriate role(s):

  • FlightSpanOps™ | Schedule | LoadLinkManifest

These permissions give you the ability to link manifests with loads.