Monthly View
The monthly view, which can be accessed from the Schedule menu, is particularly useful for the Flight Coordinator to maintain the big picture.

Each staff member can be assigned their own color code from the Staff Detail page.

Each aircraft type also can be assigned its own color code from the Aircraft Type Detail page.

The pilot color shows on the left of the flight. Two colors indicate two crew, and a light checker pattern indicates crew is not assigned.
The aircraft color shows in the inset box on the right of each flight over the aircraft type name.

You can choose to show or hide pilot time off, maintenance events, holidays, company events, or flights by clicking on the buttons on the left.

Hover over any item for more details.

Click on a flight for load details for each leg, and for the Edit button which takes you to the Schedule Detail.

You can also filter for flights by schedule status, airport, region, aircraft, and pilot. Click Reset to restore the default of Planned, Confirmed, and Flown flights.

Switch between Week View and Month View using the toggle on the upper right.

Change to previous or next week/month using the arrows.

Select from the Two Line Display options for more information.
On the second line you can view:
- Flight Title
- Crew Initials plus Flight Title
- Crew first name and last initial
- Off to return to a single line display

Click and drag to move a flight to a different date.

Click on a day to jump to that date on the Scheduling Calendar.

Weekly Flight Schedule
From the Schedule menu, select Weekly Flight Schedule for another useful big-picture view.
The default display is a two week view from the past Sunday to until the following Saturday, with today’s date highlighted at the top of the column, and weekends in light gray.

Toggle between a one week Sunday through Saturday view and the two week view with the 1W and 2W buttons.
Use the arrows to move to the next or previous weeks.

Click Select Date to open the calendar and jump to a new date range.
Jump back to today using the Today button.

Jump to a date on the Scheduling Calendar by clicking on that date at the top of the column.

The top section displays the flight schedule in relation to assigned aircraft. Hover over the aircraft for maintenance information. See the Scheduling Calendar Features documentation for details.

Hover over Maintenance Events, Calendar Events, or Holidays for more information.

Assigned pilot initials are in the lower left corner of each scheduled flight, and scheduled flight hours on the lower right. Alert badges, if any, are displayed next to the pilot initials.
Hover over any part of the flight for the flight details, and over any of the badges for further information.
Click on a flight to open the Schedule Detail for that flight.

Diagonal bars on the days prior to or following a scheduled flight indicate that the last flight ends or begins away from home base.
Flights overnighting and continuing the next day are merged.

The bottom section displays the schedule in relation to assigned pilots, with the assigned aircraft replacing pilot initials on the lower left of the scheduled flight. Functionality is identical to the aircraft section.

Two Day Schedule
The Two Day schedule is also accessed from the Schedule menu.

The Two Day schedule shows today and tomorrow only. Hovering over a flight pulls up additional flight details.

You can also filter by region if regions have been associated with the waypoints.

The Two Day schedule can be useful on electronic signage. Tip: to show this (or any other schedule view) full screen simply add ‘?fullscreen=1’ to the url in your browser:

Published Flight Schedule
The Published Flight Schedule displays Sunday-Saturday for two weeks, and is also accessed from the Schedule menu. It is primarily useful for customers, and is also available on the EFB.

The Published Flight Schedule gives more details about flights. By default it only displays flights from today forward.

If you wish to see older flights, click on the arrow to the right of the desired day to display the flight.

If you wish to see a different two week period, use the arrows at the top to select the desired date range,

Or click on the date range and select a date to jump to a two week window surrounding that date.

You can search for specific destinations by identifier or load details (name for example) and applying a date range, then clicking the blue search icon. (Without a date range, results will be returned for all past and future flights with the search criteria.)

Google Calendar
The flight schedule may be linked to a Google calendar using the Google Calendar instructions.
Click on the event to pull up more details.

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