Linking to Scheduled Flights
From the Payment
A Payment Load can be linked to a manifest using the blue airplane button.
Search for, select, and link to an existing manifest.
From the Schedule Detail
You can link a payment to a flight in the planning stages by going to the flight Schedule Detail page and clicking the light blue link button. Details are described in the Creating Loads training module.
Once imported, the load can be moved to a manifest using the green move button.
Note: Cash payments must be linked to a manifest from the Payment Detail.
Once the load is imported to a flight the load number will show up on the Payment detail, and if it is associated with a manifest, the manifest number will show up as well.
Linking to Completed Flights
From the Payment Record
Or a Payment Load can also be linked to a completed flight using the blue checkmark button.
Note that Flight Records aren’t created until a flight is complete. If the flight is still in the planning stages, it won’t show up on the list.
From the Flight Record
From the Flight Records page, open a flight record.
From the Loads Flown Section, click on the blue plus button to link a Payment Load.
Linking Incomplete Payments
For organizations that accept a partial down payment prior to the flight, then complete the payment on the day of the flight, or occasionally after the flight, unpaid / incomplete Payments can be linked to a scheduled flight, manifest, or completed flight.
To accept partial payment, follow the instructions in the Multiple Payment Sources documentation.
From the Payment, click the Allow Linking To Flight Before Payment Is Complete checkbox.
Note: As a best practice, limit to a few key individuals the permission to designate an incomplete Payment as linkable.
Anyone with normal Payment permissions can view the Allow Linking status, but they cannot check or uncheck the Allow Linking box.
Once linking has been allowed for a given Payment, the links to manifests and completed flights will appear under the load number, and Schedule Payment link will appear at the top.
Or the Payment can be linked using any of the methods previously described.