The Flight Coordinator role is broad, encompassing everything under the umbrella of “planning the flight.” It begins with the flight request and moves through the creation of Payment loads and Flight Manifests. It includes the scheduling of the flight, assigning crew and aircraft, and making sure that the aircraft is properly configured and loaded for the flight.
1. Introduction to FlightSpan™ Ops
Video Version Overview FlightSpan™ consists of two major components: FlightSpan™ Ops, which is hosted on a cloud-based server and runs in a browser. And FlightSpan™, which is an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) app which runs on an Apple iPad. To oversimplify, a flight consists of three basic steps: Planning the Flight A customer submits a…
2. Getting Started
Video Version Account setup Request your new account from your company FlightSpan™ Ops administrator. They will send you an email with a temporary password. When you log in, FlightSpan™ Ops will open the reset password screen. After you click Change Password, you will be logged out and will have to log back in using the…
3. Navigation
Video Version User Permissions Access to data in FlightSpan™ Ops is customized based on user permissions. If you can’t access information that you need, communicate with your company FlightSpan™ administrator about giving you additional permissions. For example, Maintenance Controller may have a fairly short list of permissions, Whereas the company administrator may have permissions that…
4. Help
Video Version Integrated Help Throughout FlightSpan™ Ops, wherever you see a small question mark, hover your mouse over it for information about the meaning of the area or field. Also, important pieces of data have been enhanced to show additional information. Enhanced Data is underlined with a dashed line. Hover the mouse over the data…
Video Version Generate Quote From the Quote Tool FlightSpan™ Ops provides you with a powerful Quote tool for quoting single or multi-leg flights for your customers. Once a quote has been generated it can be converted directly into a Payment or saved as a Flight Request. Open the Quote tool from the Home page if you…
6. Payments
Video Version Introduction In FlightSpan™ Ops, a Payment is the basic unit of value—essentially a credit for passengers and/or cargo to be flown. FlightSpan™ Payments contain two core pieces of information: Payments are used up when the load(s) associated with the payment is flown. In FlightSpan™ Ops, a payment is ‘flown’ when it is linked…
7. Creating Payments
Video Version There are multiple ways to create payments. Method One – Create New Open Payment Form There are multiple places where you can access the New Payment form. If you have added the shortcut to the Home page, create a new payment by clicking on the New Payment icon, Or from any page, select…
8. Prepaid Accounts
Video Version Customer accounts in FlightSpan™ may be charge/post-paid accounts (the default) or prepaid. Prepaid account customers can put funds on deposit on their account to maintain a credit balance with your company against which any flight charges they incur will be charged. When creating a new prepaid account, change the Prepaid toggle to Yes.…
9. Printing Payment Records
Video Version Cash Receipt Cash and other company authorized forms of payment such as credit card or bank transfer are all treated like a cash receipt. For traceability the credit card or bank transfer transaction number should be put in the description. A cash-type payment from an account holder can be linked to their account…
10. Linking Payments
Video Version Linking to Scheduled Flights From the Payment A Payment Load can be linked to a manifest using the blue airplane button. Search by manifest ID, manifest number, departure identifier, or destination identifier. Both the Manifest number and the Schedule number (if the manifest is linked to a scheduled flight) will be displayed.…