Request Packages

Keep following the Chief Pilot track

Video Version

Request Packages may be used for creating a series of flights that will be used repeatedly, for example training events. 

Create Request Package

From the Settings menu select Requests.

Then click on the Request Packages link on the left to pull up the list of existing request packages. 

Click on the green New button to create a new request package, give it a name and description, and click Save. 

Click the green plus button to add the details.

Then click Save and Add Legs.

Click the green Add Load/Legs button and fill in the details. Be sure to add extra flight time as necessary, then Save.

If you Add Load/Legs, they will be additional destinations added to the same flight request. 

Close the Flight Request Detail to get to the Request Package Detail page, where you click the plus button to add separate flight requests to the same package. 

Submit Request Package

Each Request Package can be submitted repeatedly. Click the Submit button.

Name the flight(s) as you wish it to appear on the calendar, for instance with the name of the pilot under instruction. 

Complete the details and click Submit. The color chosen is how the flights will display on the Scheduling Calendar. 

The requested flights in the package will each show up in the Requests section of the Scheduling Calendar. 

If you included a Note, hovering over the flight in the Requests section of the Scheduling Calendar will display the note. 

Video Version

Keep following the Chief Pilot track