Chief Pilot

This learning track will guide the Chief Pilot (and their designees) through Waypoint management, Runway and LZ Chart management, pilot currency management, and fatigue management.

  • 1. Tags and Approaches

    Video Version Tags Tags may be added to a flight for a variety of reasons. Some examples where they might be useful are: Select Tags List from the Company menu. Create a new Tag using the green New button, and edit or delete tags using the respective blue pencil and red trash can icons. Check…

  • 2. Pilot Staff

    Video Version In order for pilot staff to be available for flight scheduling and managing flight currency requirements, pilots must be included in the Active Pilots roster. Before a pilot can be added to the pilot roster, they must first exist as a Staff/User in FlightSpan™ Ops. From the Settings menu, select Staff/Users Then select…

  • 3. Request Packages

    Video Version Request Packages may be used for creating a series of flights that will be used repeatedly, for example training events.  Create Request Package From the Settings menu select Requests. Then click on the Request Packages link on the left to pull up the list of existing request packages.  Click on the green New…

  • 4. Waypoint Management

    Video Version When getting started with FlightSpan™ Ops, work with FlightSpan™ Support to create the initial import of all your existing waypoints. Once all your waypoint data is imported, you should go through each waypoint to verify all data is correct and to fill in any missing pieces of information.  Waypoints Page From the Home…

  • 5. Editing Waypoints

    Video Version Waypoints List The Waypoints List item under the Navigation Data menu is selected by default when you first open the Waypoints Page. Waypoints may be filtered using the dropdown lists or sorted by clicking on any of the blue column headers. The default sort order is by Active, then by Name. Click on…

  • 6. Export Waypoints

    Video Version Select Export Waypoints from the Navigation Data menu. Waypoints can be exported in a variety of formats. You can filter the waypoints for export in a variety of ways: By waypoint type; All, inactive, or active waypoints as set in the Waypoint database; By airport class; Or by country. When exporting in Garmin…

  • 7. Inspections and NOTAMs

    Video Version Inspections and NOTAMs are accessed from the Waypoints page. Waypoint Inspections Inspections are automatically updated when a pilot reports a runway or LZ has been inspected through the FlightSpan™ EFB. Select Waypoint Inspections List from the Navigation Data menu, and if needed manually add new inspections with the green plus button, or edit…

  • 8. Runway and LZ Chart Management

    Runway Charts and Helicopter LZ Charts can be managed within FlightSpan™ Ops. With centrally managed data, errors from multiple data sets can be eliminated, and each new chart revision can immediately be pushed to all the users.

  • 9. Chart Layout Builder

    Video Version Select Chart Layouts List from the Runway Charts Menu, and click on an existing chart layout name to edit, or click the green New button to create a new layout.  Give the new layout a name and a description, and decide what aircraft type(s) you want it to apply to, then click Save.…

  • 10. Creating the Chart Layout

    Video Version Begin dragging and dropping elements into their desired locations. If you need a custom element, refer to the Chart Custom Fields lesson. If you wish to remove an element, simply drag and drop it off to the side. The next time you navigate back to the page, the element will be back in the…