Request Packages may be used for creating a series of flights that will be used repeatedly, for example training events.

Create Request Package
From the Settings menu select Requests.

Then click on the Request Packages link on the left to pull up the list of existing request packages.

Click on the green New button to create a new request package, give it a name and description, and click Save.

Click the green plus button to add the details.
Fill in the details, including the first leg departure and destination. Change the default aircraft type if needed, as well as the rate to be charged. Then click Save and Add Legs.

Click the pencil icon to edit the details if needed. Be sure to add extra flight time as necessary, then Save.

If you Add Load/Legs, they will be additional destinations added to the same flight request.

Close the Flight Request Detail to get to the Request Package Detail page, where you click the plus button to add separate flight requests to the same package.

You can also duplicate a request in the package by clicking the green Duplicate Request icon.

Edit the request as necessary, and when you Close, it will be added to the bottom of the list.

Duplicate Request Package
You can also duplicate an existing package. Click the green Duplicate Package icon.

Give the new package a name and description as desired, then Save.

A new, identical package will be created. Click on the route labels to edit each request as needed.

Delete Request Package
To delete a Request Package, first delete all the requests in the package using the red trash can icons.

Once all requests in the package have been deleted, refresh the page and the Delete button will appear.

Click Delete, then confirm.

Submit Request Package
Each Request Package can be submitted repeatedly. Click the Submit button.

Name the flight(s) as you wish it to appear on the calendar, for instance with the name of the pilot under instruction.

If you wish to override the default package values, enter the appropriate data in the bottom section of the form.
Complete the details and click Submit. The color chosen is how the flights will display on the Scheduling Calendar.

The requested flights in the package will each show up in the Requests section of the Scheduling Calendar.

If you included a Note, hovering over the flight in the Requests section of the Scheduling Calendar will display the note.

Delete Flight Requests
From the Flight Request Detail, click Delete.

Delete a single request by leaving the check mark blank. Delete all requests in the package by selecting the check mark.

Note: If a request has already been scheduled, the scheduled flight will not be removed from the calendar, but the associated request will be deleted.
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