Flight Status
The primary purpose of a scheduled flight’s status value is to allow you to determine:
- The flight’s visibility—i.e. Can viewers of your publicly available flight schedule see this flight?
- Will email notifications be sent to customers? (configurable)
- Will the flight be available on the EFB to be flown?
Flights are color coded on the Scheduling Calendar and marked with a small letter in the upper right corner to indicate their status.

As a general guide, here’s how each status is designed to be used as you move through the flight scheduling process:
- Draft (gray): all new flights are assigned a Draft status that is designed to be in place while the flight is being assembled. Draft flights are visible to other FlightSpan™ Ops users, but not to the public on publicly available schedules. No email notifications are sent to those whose flight requests are on the flight.
- Planned (light green): change the status to planned when the flight planning is complete and you are ready for the flight to be visible on public flight schedules. Email notifications can be sent when changing the flight from Draft to Planned (configurable). Planned flights can be moved on the schedule by dragging them (email notifications can be configured to be sent if the date and/or time of the flight changes).
- Confirmed (dark green): (optional) use this option to lock down a planned flight: it can no longer be moved on the scheduling calendar without reverting the status to Planned (or Draft). The flight scheduling process will be fully functional without using the Confirmed status (i.e. just moving flights to Planned status), but this additional step can be useful in organizations with multiple flight coordinators.
- Canceled (brown): use the Canceled status to cancel a flight—this retains all the details, routing, loading, etc. (as opposed to deleting the flight) and allows you to move it to a different aircraft, or a different date/time to reschedule it. Email notifications will be sent to users when a flight is canceled.
- Do Not Schedule (red): is a rarely used status that communicates to other FlightSpan™ Ops users / Flight Coordinators that a flight should not be scheduled. This can be helpful when a flight has been constructed in Draft and is essentially ready to go but there’s an operational reason to not put the flight on the schedule yet.
- Flown (blue): this status is set automatically after the flight has been flown and the flight record uploaded from the EFB to FlightSpan™ Ops.
The following matrix shows what can and can’t be done in each status:

Note: A Planned status flight will not be available on the EFB until Pilot One has been assigned, unless company custom settings have been set to allow it.

Status can be changed by clicking on the letter and selecting from the drop down list.

Status can also be changed from the Schedule Detail page.

Status cannot be changed to Confirmed or Flown if crew is not assigned.

Note: The Flight Coordinator should not normally change the status to Flown, since that happens automatically when the pilot uploads the completed DFR.
Flight Status Notifications
Some email notification settings are under the Company Custom Settings List.

Most of the email notification settings are under Email Notifications on the Flight Requests page.

Edit the content of the emails or switch on or off the ones that will be sent by clicking on the Edit [language] links.

If flight details have changed, you may manually send notifications on Planned, Confirmed, or Canceled flights by clicking on the green Send Notifications button on the Schedule Detail page. Flights with a status of Planned or Confirmed will send the Schedule Updated email. Flights with a Canceled status will resend the Schedule Status Cancelled email.

You can send notifications to everyone on the flight with an associated email address.

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