Staff Fatigue Status

Staff fatigue status is displayed on the Pilot Detail page.

Self Monitoring

Pilots can monitor their own duty and flight time from their My Pilot Data page.

If you have added the shortcut to the Home page click on the Pilot Data icon, or from any page, select My Settings from the Settings menu at the top.

Then select My Pilot Data on the left.

The Pilot Detail will open, with the Staff Fatigue Status records.

Chief Pilot Monitoring

The chief pilot or his designee can monitor all of the pilots from the Pilot Detail page.

Select Staff / Users from the Settings Menu. 

Then click Pilots List on the left, and click on the first pilot’s name. 

Review the record, then use the arrows to scroll through the list of pilots, checking each one as you go. 

Interpreting the Data

There are four types of duty time that are displayed on the Duty Time Limits and the Rest Timeline.

  • Duty Time – from Duty Time records
  • System Generated Duty Time – created by FlightSpan™ when a duty time record does not exist for a completed flight. It includes the standard duty time prior to the first ATD and after the last ATA.
  • Projected Duty Time – created by FlightSpan™ when no roster has been created to cover a scheduled flight. It includes the standard duty time prior to the planned departure time and after the last ETA.
  • Rostered Duty Time – from roster records (if Rostering is enabled in Company Custom Settings)

Duty Time supersedes all other types of duty time, and System Generated Duty Time supersedes both Projected and Rostered.

A Roster record that completely covers a scheduled flight will be displayed instead of Projected duty time. Projected and Rostered duty times will be merged if they partially overlap.

Color coding is as follows:

  • Green = Less than 90% of the limit
  • Yellow = 90-100% of the limit
  • Red = limit exceeded

Under Flight Time Limits there is additional color coding:

  • Solid color = single crew flight time
  • Light color = multi crew flight time

The date and time (Start – midnight last night, Now – current time, or End – 23:59 tonight) is displayed in the upper right corner along with the fatigue calculation mode chosen in Company Settings..

Previous Period Column: Begins at the time selected in the upper right (Start, Now, or End) and looks back the specified amount of time.

In this example, the pilot flew 6 hours single crew and 8.6 hours multi crew in the 7 days between July 5 at 21:36 and now (July 12 at 21:36).

Hover over any status bar for details.

Current Period Column: A fixed period that varies based on the window being measured. E.g. 24 hours is midnight last night to midnight tonight; 48 hours is midnight to midnight of 48 hour intervals locked to the beginning of the year; 7 days is midnight Sunday to midnight Sunday; 14 days are midnight to midnight two week periods locked to the beginning of the year; Months are 30.4 day periods starting at midnight; 30 days starts Jan 1 and cycles every 30 days, etc.

In this example, the pilot exceeded the 14 day duty time limit during the current period of midnight June 30 to midnight July 14.

Next Period Column: Begins at the time selected in the upper right (Start, Now, or End) and looks ahead the specified amount of time.

In this example, the pilot is scheduled to fly for more than the 30 hour single pilot limit between now (July 12 at 21:36) and July 19 at 21:36.

Note: Flight time is calculated based on ATD and ATA, which is recorded in minutes, and duty time is calculated based on the recorded starting and ending times of the duty period. Displayed flight and duty time are both rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour, so it is possible to appear to be within the limit when an exceedance is generated. For example, the daily duty time limit is 14 hours, and the duty time record shows 14.0 hours, but since the pilot worked 14  hours and 2 minutes, an exceedance is generated.

Rest Timeline

The bottom row indicates periods of duty and rest. It is color coded according to the key below the row. Hovering over each segment gives the details.

Clicking on a system generated duty time will take you to the Flight Record.

Partially overlapping rostered duty and projected duty time will be merged. Clicking on it will take you to the schedule detail.

The first row indicates how many of the required rest periods the pilot has had, or is scheduled to have. In this example, the pilot has had 1 of 1 required 24 hour rest periods in the previous 8 days, and is scheduled for 2 of 1 required rest periods in the next 8 days.

The second row also indicates how many of the required rest periods the pilot has had. In the last 24 hours, the pilot has had 1 of 1 required 10 hour rest periods.

If any past worked or future scheduled flights violate the rest rules, the bars will turn red.

Note that the 24 hour row will turn red if there are not 10 hours of consecutive rest in the 24 hour windows, so depending on when you look at the record, it may be red even when rest times are being properly observed. An exceedance will not be generated.

When looking at a staff member’s fatigue status, future Rostered and Projected duty will be calculated, and any projected exceedances will be displayed.

Rostered and Projected duty that exceeds duty time limitations will also be displayed in the Pilot Availability section of the scheduling calendar.

Duty time of any type in the past, plus future Rostered or Projected Duty are combined to create the complete duty and rest picture.

Note: Projected duty times based on scheduled but unflown or unrecorded flights remain on the timeline until the flights are recorded to maintain an accurate projection of duty. Delete or cancel unflown flights that you do not wish to remain on the timeline.

If a flight has been scheduled for a pilot, but no duty has been rostered to cover the flight, there will be a warning on the pilot’s Duty Time Limits section of their fatigue status.

A roster is not required for scheduled flights; instead, company duty rules will be used to generate the duty time projection.

There will also be a warning next to the pilot’s name on the Schedule Detail.
