Exceedance Records

Any time an exceedance is generated, there will be a notification in the header bar. Click on the notification to open the exceedance record.

Or from the Staff / Users menu select Staff Exceedances List. Click on the staff member name to open an exceedance record.

Exceedance records are permanent, and cannot be deleted; however their status can be changed. There are three statuses.

Unresolved – no action has been taken.

Resolved – the chief pilot or their designee took action to mitigate the effects of the exceedance.

Select the green Resolve button, and add a required comment to explain how the exceedance was resolved.

Corrected – a record was corrected to eliminate the exceedance. A system generated comment records the change that was made.

A comment can be made on any record with the blue Add Comment button.

At the bottom of the exceedance record, the fatigue status at the time of the exceedance is recorded.
