Flightspan™ Ops Release Notes 4.3.0

Flightspan™Ops 4.3.0 introduces the ability to itemize payment loads with specific passenger details for each load/passenger. There are also several small modifications and fixes.

New Features

  • Added Passenger Detail Collection to Payment Loads, Flight Requests, and Scheduled Flight Loads (Read Documentation)


  • Optimized deferred income in exports and reports
  • Added requirement for all Staff to Accept FSO Terms & Conditions before using the app
  • Removed tax invoice report from FSO reports list
  • Added “Customer” field to the account table
  • Added the ability to include/exclude passenger details on the printed manifest
  • Change Cash Receipts by Type Report Date to Reference Receipt Printed Date instead of Payment Created Date
  • Incorporated Rate Adjustments to Distance When Fetching Flight Time For Payments and Quotes
  • Optimized Tax By Province report: Exclude payments associated with “Exclude from billing” accounts and exclude non-taxable income
  • Optimized financial export to correct dates on returns being in the incorrect period
  • Added Part 125 Loading Manifest Form and made the form available on the scheduled flight view details page via a company setting (Show Button To Print Part 125 Loading Manifest Form On Schedule Details Page).
  • Added Account Organizations in order to categorize accounts and load purposes (Read Documentation)
  • Moved ability to compute manifest calculations from max takeoff weight instead of max ramp weight to a company setting
  • Added Passport Number, Passport Country, Gender and Phone to staff table with encryption (on DOB and PPN) for PII
  • Added license number to staff table
  • Removed cash returns from financial export for SAGE format
  • Allow printing manifest when max takeoff weight or max landing weight might be exceeded only when max ramp weight is not exceeded with a note to pilot on the printed manifest about max fuel load
  • Prevent editing payment loads after checked in on a manifest only when “show manifest check in” setting is true
  • Added ability to export accounts in the database export reports
  • Modified financial export to include charges related to accounts that are marked inactive
  • Allowed public/request users to log in using their email as their username

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error when sending tax invoices
  • Fixed a bug preventing schedule load from saving due to issue with quote time and value from working correctly
  • Fixed a bug causing errors when saving payment loads
  • Fixed a bug with quote tool not observing flight time data substitution and quote tool printed Inclusive column inaccuracy
  • Forced Hobbs precision to be in tenths even when the company hourly precision is set to something else
  • Fixed a bug on cash deposit form where voided receipt amount is shown
  • Fixed time zone issue with printed date (issued date) in receipt series receipts list
  • Fixed a bug with manifest view details page displaying the wrong linked flight
  • Fixed a bug with hover flight detail on manifest view list disappearing and reappearing when browser window is small
  • Fixed a bug with committal procedure not displaying on printed charts
  • Fixed bug with quote tool not compatible with charter rates charged per minute
  • Fixed a bug of missing permission to view account prepaid balance adjustment view list
  • Fixed a bug in receipt series when flight number contains a forward slash
  • Fixed a bug with the open total value of a payment load being difficult to set when using a currency that accepts decimals
  • Fixed a GMT offset issue with quote tool evaluating today based on UTC
  • Fixed a bug with flight closed date not being set when “bulk change status” is used to close multiple flights
  • Fix Bug with Billing permission issue not showing the Billing menu item to permitted users
  • Fix a bug with collecting waypoint lat/long data when waypoint is between -1 and 1 latitude or longitude
  • Fix bug with quote tool flight time calculation when rate uses a distance data substitution
  • Fix Bug with inserting decimals in waypoint GPS minutes
  • Fix bug with wrong pilot name showing after clicking edit on an inactive pilot
  • Refund Date not being used on Def Inc Transaction Export
  • Fix bug with email not sending when request is moved to a scheduled flight that is already planned or confirmed
  • Fix a bug with email not sending when flight request is unlinked from a scheduled flight
  • Fixed a bug with takeoff restriction showing on scheduled flight leg when no takeoff reduction exists for the departure waypoint
  • Fixed a bug causing request notification emails to fail because of errors when a comma separated email list is used in the reply to field
  • Fixed a bug when editing company without a primary waypoint

New Permissions

  • FSO / Account / Edit Account Organization
  • FSO / Account / Prepaid Balance Adjustment View List
  • FSO / Account / Organization View List
  • FSO / Account / Organization Create
  • FSO / Account / Organization View Details
  • FSO / Account / Organization Edit
  • FSO / Account / Organization Delete
  • FSO / Account / Category View List
  • FSO / Payment / View Details Protected Pax Info (Only users with this permission can view PII)
  • FSO / Payment / Load Pax Details View Details
  • FSO / Payment / Load Pax Details Edit
  • FSO / Request / Pax Details View Details
  • FSO / Request / Pax Details Edit
  • FSO / Schedule / Pax Details View Details
  • FSO / Schedule / Pax Details Edit
  • Flight Reports / Records / Part125 Loading Manifest Report

New Company Custom Settings

  • Force Passenger Itemization On Every Payment Load
  • Show Button To Print Part 125 Loading Manifest Form On Schedule Details Page
  • Max Payload Limited By Max Takeoff Weight Not Max Ramp Weight