Flightspan™ Ops Release Notes 4.2.7

New Features

  • Add ability to Split a Scheduled Flight Specifying which legs and loads go on which flight
  • Add ability to drag unflown/unschedule payments (loads on standby) onto the scheduling
  • Added a Tax Invoice List View
  • Add Ability to Allow Discount Loads Based on Rate Setting (Allow Negative Load Price)


  • Add a company setting to allow notification emails to go out when waypoint is created or updated.
  • Update Help Attribute on Payment Details Label
  • Incorporate Tax Invoices in the Bulk Emailing and Printing of Account Documents
  • Add a Status Column to the Receipt Deposit Index View
  • Make Various Updates to Tax Invoice Report
  • Include Engine Starts in the Flight Legs Database Export
  • Add full airport names as fields to use on Schedule update email notifications
  • Add “No Charge For Additional Loading” Switch to Rates
  • Add form fields to Request packages UI enabling the ability to override certain fields when submitting a request package
  • Change Label when creating Remainder Payment from “Load Name” to “Description”
  • Add Right Click Function to Shift a Scheduled Flight by Date
  • Archive Payment Instead of Deleting when Remainder Payment is Unlinked
  • Optimized Deferred Income Reports to Include All Prepaid Account Charges and Adjustments
  • Make sure manual receipts synced from EFB maintain flight date as Issued Date in FSO
  • Prevent Purpose on Schedule Legs Form From Selecting Unintentionally
  • Include system rates (i.e. fsTBL, fsADD, etc.) on invoice reports
  • Changed label on removable equipment on aircraft type page
  • Optimize deposit index to prevent it from taking so long to load
  • Prevent archiving split payment remainder loads

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug preventing Payment Payer Name from saves correctly
  • Fix Error with Email Template View Breadcrumbs Breaking
  • Fix bug with aircraft not showing in Runways Index
  • Fix bug when clicking Schedule Send Notifications
  • Fix bug preventing the saving of new Request Legs
  • Fixed small bug in JAARS statistics report
  • Fixed a small bug with creating new flight
  • Fixed a bug preventing edit of scheule legs when route is empty
  • Fix bug forcing user to change the payment currency when a currency is set different than the charge accounts default currency.
  • Prevent user from selecting Airports or LandingZones without a specified elevation.

New Permissions

The following permissions are new and used for allowing a user to create update and delete non-flying/non-maintenance events on the scheduling calendar:

  • FSO / Billing / Tax Invoice Index
  • FSO / Company / Report Custom Element Create
  • FSO / Company / Report Custom Element Update
  • FSO / Company / Report Custom Element Delete
  • FSO / Billing / ExportDocuments (was ExportStatements)
  • FSO / Billing / EmailDocuments (was EmailStatements)

New Settings

The following are new Company Settings introduced with this release:

  • waypoint_created_or_updated_notification_email
  • default_short_date_format
  • require_loads_to_be_exported_before_they_are_added_to_tax_invoices
  • show_exported_to_deferred_income_column_on_deposit_index