Flightspan™ Ops Release Notes 4.1.5

New Features

  • Include cash payments in export billing
  • Add cash total to transaction report
  • Create new Taxes By Province report export
  • Add new columns to vwFlightLoads


  • Added cost and profit details on scheduled flight details
  • Added Maintenance Events to Monthly Schedule
  • Added the ability to drag flights on the monthly calendar to a new day
  • Improved readability of payment loads list for superseded loads
  • Reworked Scheduled Flights Payload Calc to be more accurate and to include aircraft configuration
  • Added ability to configure removable equipment on scheduled flights impacting payload calc
  • Changed Flight Status checkbox default on export billing data to be checked
  • Added Flight Schedule Data For Export Report
  • Modified Billing Export File Format
  • Made EITHER leg_begin OR block_time required on flight leg form.
  • Change date in Netsuite export to draw from flight date instead of from payment created date
  • Make the request user “My Flights Section” available based on company setting
  • Fix formatting a filtering issues on invoice transaction history and reconciliation report
  • Added user feedback when unable to drag Confirmed flights on scheduling calendar
  • Added ability to navigate the 2 week schedule in 1 week segments or to go to a specific date
  • Added Waypoint filter to Dashboard Monthly Calendar
  • Removed Red From Colors of Aircraft Types on Monthly Schedule

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with user not being allowed to clear the Waypoint Airport Garmin Region field
  • Fixed a bug with improper calculation of available seats on scheduled flight when crew 2 is filled
  • Fixed a bug causing some fuel conversion on manifests to be inaccurate
  • Fixed a bug causing Payment Loads with zero total to show as not exported
  • Removed financial info from public monthly schedule
  • Fixed bug calculating additional flight time twice for local flight pattern routes.
  • Fixed bug causing archived waypoints to show up in the export
  • Fixed issues with PNG Aircraft Operating Statistics.
  • Fixed an inaccurate label on hybrid maintenance events.
  • Fix inaccurate calculation of overruns and underruns in newly generated maintenance events.
  • Fix Issue with Charge Account Payment Invoices being Empty
  • Fix bug with cash reconciliation report

There are no new permissions introduced in this release.

The following are new Company Settings introduced with this release:

  • disable_public_flight_request_form
  • payment_invoice_message