Flightspan™ Ops Release Notes 4.1.4

New Features

  • Notifications. Added a notification alert at the top of the menu when a clerk has undeposited payments.
  • Added the ability to right-click scheduling calendar and create non-flying / non-maintenance events to flight scheduling calendar
  • Added the ability to duplicate Flight on the schedule by right-clicking the Scheduled Flight
  • Added the ability to filter Monthly Schedule by aircraft and pilots
  • Added a version of the monthly schedule which will be available to the public request users. This view will not show pilot details, load details, etc. based on the company settings.
  • Created a Cash Clearing Account company setting


  • Optimized Scheduling Calendar’s ability to display Aircraft Maintenance Hours behavior of ‘Scheduled’ hours on flight schedule edit page.
  • Maintenance Events can now be updated directly from the Scheduling Calendar.
  • Schedule Hover Summary now includes flight time, duty time, and maintenance hours.
  • Added exclude from billing field on accounts.
  • Empty Manifests linked to a scheduled flight are now removed when the linked scheduled flight is deleted.
  • Media Files are now stored in company specific directory on the server.
  • Pilots can now be listed in order of last name if chosen in company settings.
  • Adjustments were made to the payment form in order to better preserve a linked account when switching from cash to charge and visa versa.
  • Added a prompt to ask if the user would like to archive a payment when clicking save on an EMPTY payment.
  • Add text clarification when Voiding a Receipt that the payment and loads will be archived.
  • Allow Schedule Max Seats to include Copilot Seat when Crew 2 is empty.
  • Introduced functionality for bulk creation of request users from accounts.
  • Allowed ‘Override Event Interval’ to accept tenths of hours.
  • Block Time is now reflected in the Pilot Logbook when present and available to read/edit in the flight leg form.
  • Added a prompt when voiding a receipt to give a reason for voiding. This value is then appended to the payment description.
  • When opening receipt series index, series will be filtered by manual/electronic based on user’s last series. Administrators will see all types initially.
  • Payment List Search field now also searches: transaction ID, payer name, superseded description.
  • Payment List now includes “Recent Only” checkbox to increase search speed by only searching payments created in the last 12 months.
  • Blocked the ability to process a refund until a Payment is Deposited.
  • Added the ability to label receipt denominations as non-cash.
  • Disabled the save button on cash deposits after they have been printed except for super administrators.
  • Added a new company settings (Request Form Fields) which allows very specific control over which fields are visible on the Public Flight Request form.
  • Added “Billing Data Report” to display export billing data.
  • Added a link on the Deposit Series View to the Cash Deposit.
  • Added hover summary of receipts to Cash Deposit Index.
  • Email Notification Subject Lines will now be filtered for Notification variables.
  • Cleaned up the Bulk Email user interface.
  • Made Minor Adjustments to the Dashboard Request Form.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing a load to be unlinks from a manifest after changing its weight.
  • Fixed bug causing Loads Grid not to group properly on the Flight Record View.
  • Fixed Error in credit transactions in export billing data functionality.
  • Fixed a bug on payment form causing currency value to change automatically when payment type is changed.
  • Fixed a bug causing remainder payment currency conversion to not working properly.
  • Fixed a bug causing export billing to show the wrong financial period month.
  • Prevented fsTBL from showing on rate list when creating a load override.
  • Fix issue with Refund Receipt showing subtotal instead of total.
  • Fixed a bug requiring user to save twice when adding a new denomination in deposit.
  • Fixed a bug with inaccurate times on Monthly Schedule for instances east of International Date Line.
  • Fixed a bug not allowing cargo weight decimals in payment load form when kg precision is set to greater than 0.
  • Fixed a bug with report displays error when zero records were found.
  • Changed the payment load name length to 192 to match schedule notes and prevent errors.
  • Fixed a bug with Cruise Altitude calculation when destination has a lower elevation than departure.
  • Fixed a bug with aircraft performance UI saving and displaying values improperly.
  • Fixed Manifest Calculations for RotorWing.
  • Fixed a bug with Manifest Calc not using EFB preference for “Compute Payload From”.
  • Restricted certain fields in Fuel View to be only numeric

The following permissions are new and used for allowing a user to create update and delete non-flying/non-maintenance events on the scheduling calendar:

  • FlightSpanOps / Schedule / CalendarEventCreate
  • FlightSpanOps / Schedule / CalendarEventUpdate
  • FlightSpanOps / Schedule / CalendarEventDelete

The following are new Company Settings introduced with this release:

  • cash_clearing_account
  • list_staff_last_name_first
  • show_crew_details_on_public_schedules
  • show_load_details_on_public_schedules