Flightspan™ Ops Release Notes 4.3.3

Flightspan™ Ops 4.3.3 comes with massive improvements to the exceedance feature in FSO and pilot fatigue status. There are also improvements to the flight request list, company locations report customizations, non-manifest loads list, the route-through-hub functionality and many other areas.

New Features

  • Added ability to track and manage crew flight time / duty time exceedances. Please refer to the draft documentation to understand how it works. Please refer to the draft documentation to understand how it works.


  • Duty and Flight Time status display updated and improved
  • Added hobbs time to Income by DFR Report
  • FSO now prevents saving pax details when date of birth conflicts with pax type (adult, child, infant)
  • Added ability for Company Location Report Customizations to extensively customize the cash receipt, and payment invoice including changes to header and titles and exclusion of loading details and pricing details
  • Added Company Setting to allow orgs to print a Donation Receipt from the payment page with cash total and reference number
  • Changed aircraft type tanks label “Total Capacity” to “Total Usable”
  • Changed hover over text in pilot-index
  • Encrypted Staff, Pax and Request User email addresses in database
  • Added ability to view logbook for inactive pilots 
  • Added company setting to require a positive or negative declaration regarding Dangerous Goods on the public flight request form
  • Optimized Route through Hub functionality to optionally do so without additional cost
  • Updated several reports to show Price Line Item Title instead of Price Line Type. (Account Summary, Loads in Transit, Loads on Standby, Unclaimed Cash, Transaction History and Loads Flown Reports)
  • Added Internal Note Field for Prepaid Accounts
  • FSO will now auto link a cash payment to a manifest after the receipt is printed if payment is created from the manifest page
  • Made several optimizations to the Flight Request List including adding hover over details for request and schedule
  • Added Payment Summary Line on the Manifest view Details Manifest Loads List

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with Income by Flight and Route Report not working appropriately when  departure and destination are both empty
  • Fixed a bug with the Internal flight schedule report default start date not working as it should
  • Fixed a bug causing tags to be deleted completely when unlinked from a record
  • Fixed a bug with report default dates not saving from previous report executions
  • Fixed a bug with pax details not transferring to cloned request when flight request is duplicated
  • Fixed a bug with pick up report showing passengers departing and arriving to location instead of just departing
  • Fixed a bug on the payment load form with the pax weight being set to a default amount just before form saves which caused the total weight to differ from the sum of pax weight and cargo weight
  • Fixed a bug with the Arus Lalu Lintas Report not printing
  • Fixed a bug with time based rate payment load not saving when marked with dangerous goods
  • Fixed a bug preventing LOCK or REFUND loads from saving when a passenger detail has been selected for the superseded load
  • Fixed a bug with linked scheduled load not transferring from payment load to child payment load
  • Fixed a bug with the waypoint form not allowing user to set the elevation of an airport or LZ to Zero
  • Fixed a bug with schedule legs showing inaccurate overweight indicator after changes were made to legs or loading
  • Fixed a bug causing manually entered flight time on the payment load to be overwritten even when changes are not made to route or aircraft
  • Fixed a bug with archived loads being included on deferred income export
  • Fix bug with inability to set Departure Leg on non-manifest scheduled loads linked to a payment

New Company Custom Settings:

  • show_print_donation_receipt_option_on_payment_view_details
  • Which_report_is_printed_when_green_payment_print_button_is_clicked
  • Require_positive_or_negative_declaration_on_dangerous_goods_on_public_flight_request_form
  • Override_attribute_hover_text_for_dangerous_goods
  • Max_time_fatigue_rule_calculation_mode

Company Custom Settings Removed:

  • Fatigue_rule_max_flight_time_exception_hours
  • Fatigue_rule_max_duty_time_exception_hours
  • Fatigue_rule_require_equal_rest_time_before_duty_period
  • Fatigue_rule_hours_of_rest_before_duty_period_multi_crew
  • Fatigue_rule_hours_of_rest_before_duty_period_single_crew
  • Fatigue_rule_hours_of_rest_before_duty_period_maintenance

New Permissions:

  • FSReports / Payments / DonationReceiptReport
    This permission is tied to the following two permissions, and has not been added to any standard roles: 
    • PaymentViaCashReceiptsElectronic
    • PaymentReprintElectronicReceipts
  • FSO / Company / FatigueMultiCrewSettings
  • FSO / Payment / ViewProtectedPersonalContactInfo
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedancesViewList
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedancesViewListUser
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceViewDetails
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceResolve
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceRecalculate
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceAddComment
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceCommentOwn

Permissions Renamed:

  • FSO / Payment / ViewProtectedPaxInfo -> FSO / Payment / ViewProtectedPersonalInfoAll

Permissions Added to the Following Standard Roles: 

  • FSO / Company / FatigueMultiCrewSettings
    • Admin / All FlightSpan Settings
    • Admin / All Company Settings
    • Admin / Company Fatigue Rules
  • FSO / Payment / ViewProtectedPersonalContactInfo
    • Admin / All FlightSpan Settings
    • Admin / All Payments Settings
    • Manage / Flight Coordinator
    • Manage / Contact Information (New Standard Role) 
    • View / Contact Information (New Standard Role) 
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedancesViewList
    • Admin / All FlightSpan Settings
    • Admin / All Staff/User Settings
    • Manage / Chief Pilot
    • Manage / Duty Records
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedancesViewListUser
    • User / Staff 
    • User / Pilot
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceViewDetails
    • Admin / All FlightSpan Settings
    • Admin / All Staff/User Settings
    • Manage / Chief Pilot
    • Manage / Duty Records
    • User / Staff 
    • User / Pilot
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceResolve
    • Admin / All FlightSpan Settings
    • Admin / All Staff/User Settings
    • Manage / Chief Pilot
    • Manage / Duty Records
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceRecalculate
    • Admin / All FlightSpan Settings
    • Admin / All Staff/User Settings
    • Manage / Chief Pilot
    • Manage / Duty Records
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceAddComment
    • Admin / All FlightSpan Settings
    • Admin / All Staff/User Settings
    • Manage / Chief Pilot
    • Manage / Duty Records
  • FSO / Staff / ExceedanceCommentOwn
    • User / Staff 
    • User / Pilot