FlightSpan Release Notes 8.8.9


  • New company settings allows you to modify the sort order of the flights listed when you tap the NEW  or CHANGE buttons on the DFR tab
    • For the NEW button, the default sort order of scheduled flights is ‘Aircraft’: this is designed for operations that assign and use the same iPad(s) for the same aircraft and is as follows:
      • 1st by the last aircraft that was flown–all flights for that aircraft are listed chronologically
      • Next, flights for other aircraft of the same aircraft type that was last flown are shown chronologically
      • Finally all other scheduled flights (for other aircraft types) are shown
    • The new option (accessed in FlightSpan Ops company EFB preferences) allows sorting by ‘Date’ and simply sorts all scheduled flights in chronological order. Since unflown scheduled flights from two days prior are in the list, the list will scroll to the first flight for the current day (and you can scroll backwards to see any unflown scheduled flights for yesterday and the day before)
    • Your company sort order will remain the default sort order unless you change it. In FlightSpan Ops go to Settings Menu > Company > [click on your company] > EFB Prefs tab > [search for ‘order’]:
    • For the CHANGE button on the DFR tab, you can now order the list by Newest First (descending order–this is the current default) or by Oldest First (ascending order).
    • If you choose Oldest First, then the list will auto scroll to your current date.
    • See the 2nd item in the screenshot above to make changes
  • Added the ability to add a custom takeoff performance marker on the runway on the TakeOff Perf tab.
    • This can be used to place a custom marker on the runway at any percentage of the calculated takeoff roll.
    • One use case is for tailwheel aircraft that have a consistent ‘tail-up’ performance indicator at 60% of the takeoff roll–but the marker can be used on any aircraft type for any purpose.
    • By default this marker is off.
    • To add a custom marker for a specific aircraft type in your fleet, in FlightSpan Ops navigate to: Settings menu > Aircraft > Aircraft Type List (in left sidebar) > EFB Prefs tab > search for ‘marker’:

Bug Fixes

  • W&B: For aircraft with weight units of pounds, entering a passenger weight (non-crew) in the co-pilot seat could result with the passenger’s weight being rounded and being a single unit off from what the user entered.
  • W&B: For aircraft with weight units of pounds, the split pax load feature, rounding could create a total passenger load that was a single unit off from what the user entered.
  • DFR: issue where deleting a second crew from flight legs would still erroneously transfer the previously deleted crew role to FlightSpan Ops
  • DFR: printed DFR would copy Crew 1 name to Crew 2 spot when there was no Crew 2 on the flight
  • DFR: if a manifest was changed in FlightSpan Ops the new weight totals were not updating on the EFB
  • NOTAMS: when the Upload & Print button on the DFR tab was used, new notams would not upload to FlightSpan Ops if the user canceled printing the DFR


  • DFR: FlightSpan manifests load items are no longer editable.
    • It is important for flight crew to understand that FlightSpan manifests are treated differently than other load items when a DFR is uploaded to FlightSpan Ops.
    • When a FlightSpan manifest is part of a flight, the line item represents a summary of the loading that is on that manifest and the actual breakdown of the loading is held in FlightSpan Ops–the FlightSpan manifest line item on the EFB’s DFR loading section is essentially a placeholder.
    • When the DFR is uploaded, the upload process in FlightSpan Ops will detect the FlightSpan manifest number and link that manifest (whose data is in FlightSpan Ops, not the EFB) to the newly created flight and carry over all the load items to the flight.
    • The summary of the manifest shown in the Loads section of the DFR is only a reference for the flight crew and editing it will make no difference when the manifest is uploaded to FlightSpan Ops (as the data in FlightSpan Ops is the source).
    • The change to not allow edits to FlightSpan manifest weights on the EFB is designed to make sure that flight crew don’t mistakenly believe they can change a manifest from the EFB. If edits are attempted, the following message will be shown: