FlightSpan Release Notes 8.6.16

Bug Fixes:

  • Company takeoff and landing weight restrictions now convert to aircraft weight units
  • Large CG graph fuel burn off formatting issues resolved
  • Changing the FL on leg with same departure and destination didn’t save
  • Coordinate formatting issue when no runway chart existed for an aircraft type
  • Operational Flight Plans and Journey Logs now work for rotor wing aircraft
  • ICAO flight plan page 2 issues resolved
  • ICAO flight plan survival equipment issue resolved


  • Cessna 172N (180 hp) aircraft model added to FlightSpan aircraft types
  • W&B Tab: Aircraft’s Basic Operating Weight and CG are shown on the W&B tab

  • Performance Tabs: you can now set takeoff and landing ‘conditions’ applicable to each type of aircraft

Another example might be ‘No Reverse’ for landing performance. Set these in FlightSpanOps: Settings > Aircraft > Aircraft Type List > [select an aircraft type] > EFB Prefs tab > [search for ‘conditions’]

  • Duty Time: ‘Rest’ changed to ‘Break’ to avoid confusion (the ‘Break’ time on the duty time form is for lunch breaks and other time off in the middle of a duty day — used to compute work hours, not regulatory rest periods)
  • DFR Tab: All company fuel used/dropped loads are now grouped separately from other loads on the printed DFR
  • Helicopter Speed Reductions are now in knots (not percentages)
  • When a helicopter Speed Reduction is in place, the ETE block in the Nav Grid on the NAV tab will have amber, italic font: