FlightSpan Release Notes 8.8.0
New Features
- For flights downloaded to the EFB from the flight schedule, FlightSpan now monitors differences between the scheduled flight on FlightSpanOps and the flight on the EFB’s DFR tab and will advise the flight crews when changes/differences exist. You can then choose to refresh the EFB’s flight data with the current data from the flight schedule on FlightSpanOps. It’s important to understand how this new feature works: please see this documentation.
- Improvements in handling pressure and temperature information from online sources (for computing density altitude for takeoff and landing performance calculations)
- New setting added in FlightSpanOps that allows you to specify the order or sequence of seats when using the Split Pax Load function on the W&B tab. The default sequence has not changed: Copilot seat (if enabled) then sequencing through the seats fore to aft, left to right. To change the sequence for a given aircraft type, in FlightSpanOps go to Settings > Aircraft > Aircraft Type List > [select aircraft type] > EFB Preferences Tab > [search seats]
- Changed terminology on Accelerate – Stop items on Takeoff Performance Tab to add clarity
- Load items on the DFR tab have new formatting to indicate their source. Light green background indicates that the load was downloaded from FlightSpanOps as part of a scheduled flight. Manifests downloaded from FlightSpanOps have a blue font. Loads created on the EFB have have standard white background and black text (i.e. no special formatting)

Bug Fixes
- Errors computing block time
- DFR Formatting issues
- ATA not being recorded on Arrival / On The Ground Tab
- Unable to enter ATA/ATD times with two leading zeros (i.e. 0015)
- Heli landing performance pressure altitude margin on final leg not computing correctly
- Settings image (gear icon) sometimes missing