FlightSpan Release Notes 9.0.61

FlightSpan 9.0.61 is an incremental release with a number of bug fixes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Long delays when sending On The Ground for orgs with v2 Manual Flightwatch enabled
  • Issue when manually entering ATD or ATA on the DFR tab
  • Issue where Takeoff Roll numbers turn red when roll is less than max roll and obstacle clearance point is set to full length of runway
  • Issue that prevented the waypoint picker from staying open when manually building a flight route
  • Calibrated Airspeed issue on Groundspeed tab (for orgs that have the Groundspeed tab enabled)
  • Displaced threshold showing on Performance tab on airports with more than a single pair of runways and landing length available set to 0.
  • Issue that prevented night flight time from being entered for Crew Two

Build Info: 9.0.6106