FlightSpan Release Notes 9.0.1

FlightSpan 9.0.1 is an incremental update with a number of minor enhancements and bug fixes


  • Additional logging of v2 manual FlightWatch
  • Takeoff & Landing Performance Tabs: handle airports that do not have complete runway data in FlightSpan Ops
  • Pre-filled list of NOTAMS can now be edited on FlightSpan Ops: Go to Aircraft > Aircraft Type List > EFB Prefs > [search ‘notams’]
  • Pre-filled list of Dangerous Goods can now be edited on FlightSpan Ops: Go Aircraft > Aircraft Type List > EFB Prefs > [search ‘dangerous’]

Bug Fixes

  • For organizations printing the Journey Log along with the DFR, 2 page DFR’s were being cut off
  • Occasional missing final waypoint ETA on MAP tab
  • Manually setting the ATD or ATA when either ATD or ATA had been automatically set by v2 resulted in inaccurate flight time computation for that leg
  • UTC conversion issues on ATD and ATA for orgs using UTC format for flight times