The Map Tab information and controls are located around the edges of the map.
Top bar, left to right
- Groundspeed
- Bearing to the next waypoint / Current Track
- Distance to Destination
- Current Route Segment
- Estimated Time En Route
- Actual Time of Departure
- Vertical Speed Required to the destination is at the very top next to the sync button (this is in the header and thus visible throughout the app)

Left Side, top to bottom
GPS accuracy indicates green with a good signal, and as the signal degrades the bar will turn yellow, then red. Any time the GPS signal is poor (not green) a GPS accuracy warning will pop up in the center of the screen.

CHART – Tap the chart button to select nav charts loaded from FlightSpan™ Ops. (Your company’s nav charts are managed in FlightSpan™ Ops.)

Select from the menu to choose which chart to display.

Switch on or off:
- Range Rings 30, 60, and 100 nm from home base
- Waypoints (runways and LZs) displaying on the chart
- Route lines displaying on the chart
- Declutter by hiding shorter runways. (Note: when the button is labeled ‘Decluttered’ and is yellow, this indicates that some airports with shorter runways are currently hidden from view to declutter the map. Tap the button to view all airports.)

Tap the GPS button to switch GPS Source between:
- Off – no position information
- v2track
- Tablet (iPad)

Change Map Orientation between:
- Track Up (when zoomed way out, the chart will automatically switch to North Up.)
- North Up
When the map is off center, the Centered button will be relabeled Recenter and will turn yellow. Tap to recenter on your current position.

Mark and store your current position at the moment you tap the button (v2Track required).

Enter a description and tap Save.

Export the route (All or Current Leg) to ForeFlight—same functionality as on the Nav tab.

The CG envelope displays your takeoff weight and balance.

The Checklist button can be used to open the climb checklist at any time. The button is color coded to give you feedback on the status of the climb checklist for the active leg. There are four distinct statuses:
- Gray – Pre or post flight status. (Trip Manifest has not been sent, or On the Ground has been reported.)
- Blue – Armed. The trip manifest has been sent, but the aircraft hasn’t climbed through the checklist altitude yet.
- Yellow – The checklist was opened either automatically or by the pilot, but is incomplete.
- Green – The checklist is complete.

The checklist can be enabled or disabled, the default altitude set, and the contents of the checklist changed from the Aircraft Type EFB Preferences.

If the checklist is enabled, it will automatically open at the height above ground set in the preferences. Tap each item to complete it.