Tap on a route pair in the Leg column to open the destination selection list so you can edit the route as described in the DFR Route documentation.
The selected or active leg is highlighted.

Tap on a leg in the Route/Complete column to open the route waypoint selection window to edit the route.

Select from the list of waypoints, or search for the desired waypoint(s) to insert as a route between your departure and destination airports.

Or tap the GPS Routes button to select from routes created and stored in FlightSpan™ Ops.

Select the desired route.

If necessary, tap the Invert button to reverse the route.

Note: If reversing a route causes a waypoint to be duplicated, it will be automatically removed.
Added routes will be displayed in the Route/Complete column.

Tap ForeFlight to export your route. If ForeFlight is installed on your device, FlightSpan™ will open ForeFlight with your FlightSpan™ route imported.

Tap FlightSpan in the upper left of the iPad header bar to return to FlightSpan™.

Note: If your route contains company user waypoints that are not in your ForeFlight application, those waypoints will not be included in the route that displays in ForeFlight. To ensure all your company user waypoints are in ForeFlight, export your company’s user waypoints to a file formatted for import into ForeFlight.