To ensure accurate fuel planning, altitudes and winds must first be set.

Tap on the FL column on the desired leg to select a different cruising altitude.

Tap the first wind block to set the wind direction for the highlighted leg and all following legs.

Tap the second wind block to set the wind speed for the highlighted leg and all following legs.

Add a fuel stop by tapping a cell in the Departure Fuel column. Existing fuel stops are indicated by a gas pump icon.

Tap Full to fill all installed fuel tanks. Tap the desired tank to add a custom fuel quantity. Tap Clear Fuel Stop to remove a fuel stop.

The fuel stop will be added with the selected quantity of fuel. Any time fuel is adjusted on the Nav tab, fuel will also be adjusted on the W&B tabs and the flight manifests.

Maximum payload for each leg is displayed in the Max Load column. Both aircraft limitations and company runway weight restrictions are considered.

Minimum Fuel
Tap Set Min Fuel to set your departure fuel level so as to arrive at each fuel stop, and/or final destination with the specified reserve fuel level. FlightSpan™ will default to company reserve level one; company reserve level two is also selectable, or simply enter a custom target arrival fuel amount.

Tap on the Act Rsv column to enter your arrival fuel and complete a leg. Note that in normal flight operations, you will be prompted to input your arrival fuel on the Post Landing tab (and mark the current leg as complete) after landing.

A greyed out row indicates the leg has been flown and completed.
Tap Toggle Leg Complete to complete a row without entering fuel (see the KAS-NOI leg). Tap again to uncomplete. If Actual Reserve fuel was entered, it will be erased.

If the Aircraft Type EFB Preference Include Alternates on Nav Planner is set to Yes, the Difference column will be replaced with an Alternate/Reserve column.

Tap on the Alt/Rsv cell for the desired leg, and the nine nearest airports will be listed. Select the desired alternate, and it will be added to the list, along with the estimated reserve upon arrival at the alternate.

If the desired alternate is not on the nearest list, scroll to the bottom and select See Full List. Search for and select the desired alternate.

Once all alternates have been selected, tap Set Min Fuel if desired.
The chosen fuel reserve for arrival at the final alternate prior to each fuel stop will be set.

When you print the Operational Flight Plan, the alternates will be listed in the Flight section, and the fuel reserve at the alternates will be listed in the Fuel section.