Helicopter Performance
Hover Out of Ground Effect and Hover In Ground effect are calculated for helicopters.
The first HOGE row displays the estimated maximum pressure altitude for HOGE performance at your current calculated weight. The number in parenthesis is the difference between estimated max and the current PA, and represents an indication of performance margin.

The second HOGE row shows your maximum weight at your current pressure altitude for HOGE performance. The number in parentheses is the difference between the estimated maximum and your current calculated weight, and also serves as an indication of performance margin.

HIGE information is interpreted in the same manner as HOGE.
When taking off with an external load, HOGE and HIGE are displayed and interpreted in the same manner, but the performance numbers are based on the aircraft’s External Load performance limitation data.

Amphibious Performance
When taking off from a water runway, calculated time to liftoff will be displayed by default. Note that the slope, surface, and wind performance factors are disabled.
Tap the Start button to start the timer.

The timer countdown starts at minus 8 seconds to allow time to begin the takeoff roll.

The numbers are color coded
- Green negative numbers prior to takeoff
- White numbers during the takeoff roll
- Green numbers when within plus or minus one second of the target time
- Yellow numbers at plus two seconds until 150% of the target time
- Red numbers when more than 150% of the target time

Tap the Switch to Distance button to view runway markings as previously described.

Surface and slope remain disabled, but the wind performance factor is now enabled.

Note: Water conditions do not affect the calculated takeoff distance or time.