In the Loads section, you can:
- View and edit loads downloaded from FlightSpan™ Ops
- Create new loads from scratch
Loads are color-coded to help the pilot quickly identify them:
- Green – non-manifest loads from FlightSpan™ Ops that were included in the schedule are at the top of the list
- Blue – manifest loads are listed next
- White – pilot created loads are listed next
- Lavender – Payment Loads from FlightSpan™ Ops that were not included in the schedule, but are added by the pilot, are at the bottom together with pilot created loads

Tap on a Manifest load to view the details; share it by tapping the blue up arrow icon, or remove it from the flight using the Remove This Manifest button.
Manifests are managed in FlightSpan™ Ops and cannot be edited on the EFB.

Edit An Account-Type Payment Load
Tap the Route block to change the departure point and destination.

Use the Quick Select arrow to select an existing route pair.

Tap the departure point and destination to carry the load on multiple legs.

Tap Not in List (Enter Manually) to search for and enter airports that are not part of the route.

Account number and the Cash/Charge amount cannot be edited.

Tap on any other cell that you wish to edit and change the details as necessary. The original payment load will be changed.

Edited account Payment Loads will be uploaded to FlightSpan™ Ops with no further action required.

Edit A Cash-Type Payment Load
Tap on any cell of a cash-type Payment Load except the route, and you will be offered the option of removing or editing the load.

The route cannot be edited on a cash-type Payment Load.

Select Edit, then edit the description if desired. Each field will be prefilled with the original load details.

Next edit passenger numbers and passenger weight if desired.

Finally, edit cargo weight if desired.

The original load will be crossed out so the pilot can, if needed, reference what was originally paid for. The new load will show directly below the original, crossed out load, in white. Note that the Cash/Charge amount is not changed, and any reconciliation of the amount will be required to be edited in FlightSpan™ Ops after the DFR is uploaded.

When an edited cash-type Payment Load is uploaded, on the printed DFR ‘SEE EDITS’ will be added to the original load, and the edited Payment Loads will show up in the Edited Payments section. Data verification is required in FlightSpan™ Ops.

Edit non-Payment Load
Tap any cell and edit as necessary a load that came from FlightSpan™ Ops without an associated Payment.

When editing the Rate, only Manual rates can be chosen.

When editing passengers, tap the passenger weight to edit it manually.

Tap the Refresh icon to multiply the number of passengers by the standard passenger weight.

When entering cash received, the number entered will be multiplied by the factor set in the Company EFB Preference Divide Currency By if a factor has been set.