The Daily Flight Record (DFR) is divided into three main sections: Header, Legs, and Loads.


On the header you can (left to right, top to bottom):

  • Select a flight
  • Change to Scratch Pad
  • Print the DFR
  • Upload and Print
  • View the DFR number and the upload status
  • Change the date
  • Change aircraft
  • Assign crew for all legs of the flight
  • Check for differences between the DFR and the schedule, and refresh to match
  • See when the EFB was last synced with FlightSpan™ Ops
  • Enter Hobbs start and end
  • Delete all data from the DFR
  • Open the Calculator

Select Flight

Download a Flight

Tap the Select Flight button, and scheduled flights created in FlightSpan™ Ops  will appear.

If your company has set up more than one company location, there will be a Locations filter.

Tap the Locations filter and select one or more company locations to limit the search results to flights with those assigned locations. 

The default list is from today forward. Change the date filter and order by tapping on the Date column header.

Most of the date filters are self-explanatory, but a few benefit from additional explanation.

  • This Week, Last Week, and Next Week are all Monday-Sunday of their respective weeks
  • Past displays all planned and confirmed flights from any time in the last 30 days, and all flights completed and uploaded from this iPad from the last 45 days

Tap on the respective column headers to filter flights by:

  • A specific crew member
  • Aircraft type or registration number
  • A specific airport
  • Flight status

Flight Status Categories – note the DFR number is underneath all Open, Complete, and Locked flights.

  • New – flights not downloaded to the iPad
  • Open Scratchpad – Scratchpad flights that have been created on this iPad
  • Open – flights that have been downloaded to and opened, or else created on this iPad
  • Complete – flights completed on this iPad and uploaded to FlightSpan™ Ops
  • Locked – flights completed on this iPad that have been opened in FlightSpan™ Ops, so they can no longer be edited

Once you’ve applied a filter, the Clear Filters button is active. All filters you apply will remain even if you close the app, until you tap Clear Filters.  

Note: Clear Filters does not remove any Locations filters

Tap on the desired flight to open it.

The DFR will be imported with all the data created in FlightSpan™ Ops.

Create Flight

To create a flight manually, tap the + New Flight button.

Select the Date, Aircraft, and Pilot, then tap Done.

A new flight will be created with a single leg from home base to home base. Editing the route is covered in the DFR Tab – Route document and the Nav Tab – Route Planning document.

Delete Flight Data

Tap the trash can icon, then confirm with the Clear button, to delete all Legs, Loads, route, and weight and balance information.

The delete button will be disabled once a flight is in progress.
