To add a Non Revenue Item, create a new load as previously described, then select Non Revenue Items from the list.

Next select from a list of items that are already associated with rates and account numbers—this reduces the amount of data entry required of the flight crew.

The rates and account numbers are set in the Company EFB Preferences.

Tracked Currency Items
Tracked currency items have been identified in FlightSpan™ Ops as official flight currency items that your organization tracks that can be signed off from the EFB.

When you select an item, you will be asked to confirm you want to sign off the selected event.

Enter the number of minutes that should be charged against the event. If there should be no additional charge for the event, leave the minutes at zero.

When the DFR is uploaded, FlightSpan™ Ops will update the pilot’s record with the details of the proficiency check—including resetting the next due date for this event for the selected pilot.

Drop Company Fuel
If you select Drop Company Fuel at a runway where your organization caches fuel, you will be asked how much fuel you dropped.

The fuel quantity will be entered, and the weight automatically calculated since cargo was carried and the weight may need to be billed and recorded in the statistics.

Use Company Fuel
If you select Use Company Fuel, you will also be prompted for fuel quantity.

The weight will not be calculated, because a load was not carried on the aircraft.

Second Crew
If you select Second Crew, the second crew member will be immediately added with their weight and the appropriate account, rate and purpose will be automatically selected.

All other Non Revenue load types simply require you to enter a flight time—again the appropriate account, rate and purpose will be automatically entered.

All Non Revenue items will be uploaded as-is and added to the flight record.