NOTAMs are listed at the top of each runway chart. Both the NOTAM and the runway selection tab will be yellow.
Tap a NOTAM at the top to remove it by expiring the NOTAM. Select Yes to confirm.

And send the email.

Recently deleted NOTAMs will be displayed with a strikethrough.

To create a new NOTAM, tap the Report Issue/Hazard button at the bottom of the page.

Select from the list or manually enter a description.

Next select NOTAM or Closure.

And send the email.

Note: Apple Mail must be set up on the iPad.
The new NOTAM will be added at the top.

If you select Closure, both the NOTAM and the runway selection tab will be red.

To report a runway inspection, tap the I Inspected this Runway button at the bottom, then select Yes.

Then send the email.

The Runway Inspection Due note will be removed.

The next time the iPad is connected to the internet and one of the following four things happens, the emails will be sent, FlightSpan™ Ops will be updated, and the NOTAM and inspection status will be disseminated to the other company iPads:
- Opening the app from the iPad’s home screen (when it is not currently open)
- Performing a manual Sync
- Creating a new DFR or downloading a new flight
- Uploading or Printing a DFR