To create a new load, tap the blue New Load button. Select the route as previously described.

Select the load type from the list.

Account Number
Search for and select the account number.

Note: The default rate associated with the account number will be automatically selected.
Then, either select the Load Description from the list or enter a description manually.

Note: The account number and rate associated with certain load descriptions will be automatically selected based on the Company EFB Preferences for Accounts and Rates.
If you select Pax, you will be prompted for passenger names.

Enter the number of passengers and their weights, then tap Next.

Enter the cargo weight.

The load will be added with white text to distinguish from loads that were imported from FlightSpan™ Ops.
The charge amount will be automatically calculated when the DFR is uploaded.

Note: If you need to change the default rate that was auto-selected during the previous steps it may be edited by tapping on the rate cell.
Pilot added account type loads will be uploaded to FlightSpan™ Ops with no further action required.

If you select Receipt, either select the receipt number from the list, search for the number, or manually enter a receipt number.
The list will default to Crew One’s receipts.

Select the load description.

Note: The path varies slightly depending on the type of load selected.
Then complete the load description details.

Next select from the list of available Open Total rates.

Finally, enter the amount of cash collected.

Tap Done and the load will be added to the DFR.

If the receipt number chosen is an unused receipt from the pilot’s assigned receipt number series, and the load isn’t missing any data, the load will be uploaded to FlightSpan™ Ops with the DFR Upload process, with no further action required.
If the receipt number is not valid, or if the load’s data is incomplete, the load will be in the Data Entry Required section of the DFR.

If you select FlightSpan Manifest as the load type, you may select from the list if any FlightSpan™ Ops generated manifests are available to attach to your flight.

The manifest will be added to the flight, with no further action required after uploading to FlightSpan™ Ops.

If you select the FlightSpan Manifest load type and none are found, or if you select Other Manifest as the load type, manually enter the manifest number, then tap + Enter.

You will be prompted for passengers, then tap Next.

Enter the cargo amount, then tap Done.

The manifest will be added to the loads section. Note that the individual line-items on the manifest will need to be entered into FlightSpan Ops by data entry personnel after DFR upload.

FlightSpan™ Payment Loads
If you select FlightSpan™ Payment Load, Payment Loads created in FlightSpan™ Ops but not originally included on the schedule may be added.
Payments from the selected route will be displayed, but you can also select Payments to and from other destinations by selecting the respective tabs.

If your selected route does not contain any Payment Loads, the tab for all loads to and from your destination pair will be selected by default.

If there are no Payment Loads for either destination, the All tab will open by default.

If the Payment you select has multiple loads, they will be listed separately. You can add all or select individual loads from the Payment.

Each load will be added on a separate line on the DFR.

The loads can also be edited as previously described.

Unedited FlightSpan™ Payment Loads will be uploaded as-is with no further action required.