Log In and App Navigation

Logging into FlightSpan™

When you first open FlightSpan™ on the EFB, it will open to the End User License Agreement (EULA) page. Tap Yes to accept.

Log in using your company name and password.  

Allow FlightSpan™ to use your position. This is necessary for the app to function in the background, and to prevent disconnects from the v2Tracker.

This is also important if your aircraft are not equipped with v2 trackers so as to enable automatic data capturing and tab switching.

Later you will be asked if you want to allow FlightSpan™ to use your location even when you are not using the app. Change to Always Allow so that FlightSpan™ can continue to function in the background while you are using other apps.

Next select Download. The authorization to download will only be required when you log in.

FlightSpan™ Ops will synchronize with FlightSpan™, downloading all of your company data. When sync is complete, the sync status will be displayed under the header section.

FlightSpan™ initially opens in ScratchPad. ScratchPad is designed to be a place where you can create and explore using flights that will not be flown. It’s a great place to learn FlightSpan™ on your company’s version of FlightSpan™. ScratchPad Mode will be displayed at the top, and the app has a yellow border so you know you aren’t working in a real flight.


Syncing the EFB with FlightSpan™ Ops prior to flight is important to ensure that the pilot is using current data.

FlightSpan™ will automatically sync when:

  • The app is started from a closed state, and it has been more than 12 hours since the last sync
  • A new version of the app is detected

Normally, each time you use FlightSpan™ on the EFB, you should sync to ensure you have the latest data. To force a sync, tap the blue sync icon.

The Sync Status will be shown. Leave the “Allow FlightSpan to download additional data and images:” switch on, and tap Sync All.

Operationally, there is no reason to switch off the additional data download, but FlightSpan™ is required by Apple to offer the option of not downloading the data. If you switch it off, all other types of data will be synced.

Warnings will be displayed on

  • The Map tab when selecting a chart
  • On the Runway Charts if the image was not previously downloaded
  • On the documents tab

Charts and documents can also be individually synced using their respective sync buttons.

Periodically you will be prompted to allow downloading of additional data. If you tap Yes, the switch will be returned to on.

When sync is complete, all items should show a green status. If any items display a yellow or red status, sync again.

Header Bar

The top bar on each page (just below the iPad status icons) shows:

  • Trip Manifest status (after landing, the cooldown timer will be displayed)
  • Phase of flight 
  • The sync button, which will refresh all data from FlightSpan™ Ops
  • The Settings button and version number
  • v2Track connection status

App Navigation

Navigate through the major sections of FlightSpan™ using the tabs at the top of the screen. The tabs are arranged in a logical progression of the flight, beginning with the Daily Flight Record (DFR) at the left. Some tabs have sub-tabs to select from.
