If changes to the flight are made in FlightSpan™ Ops after you download the flight, or if you make any changes on the EFB, you will be notified by the green Flight Matches Schedule notification changing to a yellow See Differences With Schedule.

Note: FlightSpan™ will check for differences with FlightSpan™ Ops when:
- The iPad has an internet connection and
- It’s been more than 5 minutes since the last check or
- You sync with FlightSpan™ Ops, or
- You click on the Schedule Status notification above the Hobbs Start/End selectors
If your iPad isn’t connected to the internet for more than 5 minutes, the Schedule Status message will change to “(Time) since last sked check”.

If you try to refresh the schedule, you’ll get the following warning: [replace screenshot]

Tap the green Schedule Status notification to check for any recent changes; if the Schedule Status notification is “See Differences With Schedule” tapping the notification will allow you to view the differences between the flight schedule in FlightSpan™ Ops and what you currently have in your EFB.
If there are differences, the message will say “Differences Exist” at the top of the screen.

If necessary, scroll down to see all differences. Note that loads that have been manually created by you on the current DFR are excluded from the comparison.

Tap Refresh Flight, then decide if you want to update both flights and loads, or loads only.

Note: If you tap All, the entire flight will be updated, and any flight planning including W&B calculations you have done will be overwritten. If you tap Loads Only, just the LOAD section of the DFR will be updated. In both cases, loads you manually entered will be preserved.
If you want to accept some route changes without losing flight planning or weight and balance, tap the arrows in the middle to update individual legs or routes.

Note that manual editing of the route may still be necessary, since tapping the arrows may not achieve the desired result. In this example, all legs were updated, but the en route waypoint DAGPZ will need to be reentered on the NOI-WAVA leg, and the GPS route will need to be reentered on the WAVA-WAJJ leg. Whereas simply deleting OBO from the route planner screen would have achieved the desired result.
Once you have selected the desired changes, tap Save Changes.

If you update during a flight, only loads will be updated. Neither flight information nor flight legs will be changed. [update screenshot]