There are three sub tabs under the arrival tab – Runway Chart, Landing Performance, and Post Landing.
Runway Chart
While en route, if the Automatic Approach Briefing setting is set to ‘Yes’ in FlightSpan™ Ops, when Vertical Speed Required (displayed in the header, so it is visible from all tabs) reaches the target, if you have not already switched to the Runway Chart, FlightSpan™ will automatically switch to the runway chart for the destination of the currently active leg.
See the Depart Tab / Runway Chart documentation for runway chart details, since the functionality is identical.

If you wish to disable the Automatic Approach Briefing, or change the default of 400 feet per minute vertical speed required, it can be changed in the Aircraft Type EFB Preferences.

Landing Performance
Like the Takeoff Performance tab, the Landing Performance tab is divided into three sections – the header, the runway, and the parameters.
In the Header section
- If more than one runway is available, tap to change runways. If only one runway is available, the button will be gray.
- See Vref for your estimated landing weight
- View the estimated landing roll at the projected landing weight and pre-filled performance parameters
- View the calculated weight and cg on arrival, with a yellow line indicating maximum company runway weight limit (if one has been established)

If the maximum landing roll for the runway is exceeded, the landing roll number will turn red.

FlightSpan™ defaults to the most advantageous runway, in this example Runway 33 since it is the only available runway. Landings are always displayed right to left regardless of runway orientation.
Paved runways will display dark gray; gravel runways light gray, grass runways green, and water runways blue.
Runway edge markings are spaced either 50 meters or 100 feet apart, depending on your default units.

If a lower maximum landing weight for the aircraft type at that runway has been set by your company, the difference between the aircraft maximum landing weight and the maximum weight for landing on that runway will be displayed.

FlightSpan™ adds a standard displaced threshold, in this case 30 meters (your company default can be set in FlightSpan™ Ops for each aircraft type) to the landing roll to calculate the estimated stopping point. It is marked by a green line across the runway, and a white triangle along with the distance and percentage of runway used.

A red line is marked at the latest stopping point on the runway as defined by your company (a percentage of the runway set in FlightSpan™ Ops).

Note: Depending on the setting in FlightSpan™ Ops, the redline may not be exactly the company redline percentage if the standard displaced threshold is factored in.
For runways with a displaced threshold where the available length for landing has been set to be less than the full length of the runway, a notation will appear that describes how much of the runway is available for landing, along with a displaced threshold symbol.

Note: The red line (maximum landing roll) is based on the usable runway. In the case above it is based on the 600 meters of usable runway, not the 850 meters full length.
Runway settings can be changed from the Aircraft Type EFB Preferences.
Landing performance parameter function is the same as the takeoff performance parameters.
Helicopter Performance
Helicopter landing performance is interpreted in the same manner as helicopter takeoff performance.

When landing with an external load, HOGE and HIGE are displayed and interpreted in the same manner, but the performance numbers are based on the aircraft’s External Load performance limitation data.