Right Side
The first block displays ETAs at each waypoint to your next destination.
Smart ETAs are displayed during the climb in italics. The smart ETE is also in italics. (Smart ETAs are calculated based on the actual climb groundspeed, remaining time to cruise altitude, and the calculated cruise groundspeed.) In cruise and descent, ETAs are based on actual groundspeed and are displayed in non-italic font.

Range ring ETAs are automatically included if outbound from or inbound to home base and the Company EFB Preference for mileage based checkpoints have been set up.

Tap the next button to switch between displaying map times in Local and Zulu time

Tap the Send ETAs button to send your ETAs via the v2 tracker.
Note that the v2track web interface will have ETAs for your aircraft immediately after departure, but they are purely time-speed-distance computations and will be inaccurate while your aircraft is still in a climb. Using the Send ETAs button will send your Smart ETAs to the flight follower monitoring the v2track website.

A confirmation message will pop up. If you tap Yes, the ETAs will be sent, and the message recorded on the Message tab.

Direct Buttons
The first Direct button defaults to the next waypoint in your route. A new route line direct to the waypoint will be added to the chart without erasing the flight planned route line. A Cancel Direct button will also appear, which will erase the direct route line when tapped.

The next button down is direct to home base. If you tap it, several things happen:
- A route line is drawn direct to home base
- The Direct Home button disappears, and home base moves into the direct next waypoint position
- The Cancel Direct button appears
- The original destination is removed and replaced by home base on the DFR, Nav, W&B, Depart, and Arrival tabs

In this example, Direct Home was selected while on the WAJJ-OKB leg, so OKB was removed from the route.

Note: Cancel Direct only removes the route line on the chart; it does not update any of the tabs.
The next button is Direct Nearest.

When you tap the button, a list of the ten nearest runways opens. Select from the list, or you can see the full list of runways by scrolling to the bottom and selecting See Full List, which takes you to the route planner screen.

When you select the destination, you will be offered the option of inserting the new destination or replacing the current destination.

If you select Insert, all the tabs will be updated with the added destination.

If you select replace, all the tabs will replace the original destination with the new one. In this example, Direct TER was selected while flying the WAJJ-OKB leg, eliminating OKB from the route.

If routing on the currently active leg is other than direct, a Sequence tab will appear below Direct Nearest.

If the map hasn’t automatically sequenced to the next leg segment (this can occur if you are significantly off the planned course) when you tap the Sequence button, the route segment list will open. Select the desired route segment to force sequencing to the next waypoint.

- Current Lat/Long
- Radial and distance from your departure waypoint, unless there is a navaid within 3 nm of your departure waypoint, in which case the navaid will be used.
- Chart warning – the moving map feature of FlightSpan is not approved for navigation and is provided as a reference only.

Automatic Switching
If the Automatic Approach Briefing setting in FlightSpan Ops is set to ‘Yes’, then when the VSR reaches the VSR set in FlightSpan Ops (400 feet per minute is the default), FlightSpan™ will automatically switch to the Arrival / Runway Chart.

The VSR settings can be changed from Aircraft Type EFB Preferences.
- Trigger Auto Approach Briefing At (VSR) sets the vertical speed at which the switch to the runway chart occurs.
- VSR Alert enables or disables an alert if VSR exceeds the the VSR Alert Threshold
- VSR Alert Threshold determines when the alert will pop up if it has been enabled

If the VSR Alert is enabled, the alert will pop up regardless of what page you are viewing, indicating the required rate of descent to reach 800 feet above field elevation one nautical mile from the runway.