The configuration weight and CG, including stowed seats and aircraft equipment on board, is displayed under the registration number.

Tap the fuel information button to display fuel in other units.

Tap the weight units button to display the load summary in non-standard units.

Export to DFR
Tap Export to DFR to copy the load to the DFR.
The route will default to the selected tab. Tap the Quick Select arrow next to the desired route pair if necessary.

Tap on the departure point and the destination if the load will continue to a subsequent destination.

If the load should be billed on a completely different route, tap Not in List (Enter Manually), and search for the departure point and destination, then tap Done.

Next select Account Number, Receipt Number, or Other Manifest.

Account Loads
For accounts, tap in the search window and type the name or number of the account, then select the account.
The rate will be prefilled based on the account’s default rate.

Receipt Loads
For Receipts, select the desired receipt, or manually enter the receipt number. If there are two pilots on board, be sure to select the correct pilot’s receipt.

Next select the correct rate to charge.

If you select a manual rate, after you enter passenger and cargo, enter the amount of cash received.

Note: Calculated rates won’t calculate the total due. That capability does not yet exist in the EFB.
Other Manifest
If you select Other Manifest, a list of non-FlightSpan™ manifests will be listed if they exist. Otherwise, manually enter the manifest number, then tap the + Enter button.

All Load Types
If there are passengers, enter the names.

Next verify the passenger numbers, passenger types, and weights. FlightSpan™ will default to the same number of adults as there are filled seats. Adjust the number of passengers that should be on the DFR as necessary, then tap Next.

Then adjust the cargo weight as necessary – it will default to the full load.

The load will be added to the Loads section of the DFR.

Above the envelope are gross weight, amount below maximum takeoff weight (aircraft or runway), and arm.
On the envelope, in addition to the weight and CG marker, the envelope will display a yellow line if there is a company runway weight limitation.
Below the envelope the runway weight limitation details will be displayed.

Note: The weight below maximum takeoff weight display may be switched off from Company EFB Settings.

Tap on the envelope to open an expanded view that includes landing and zero fuel weights.