Tap the fuel button to set the fuel quantity.

Max capacity is displayed at the top. Other fuel quantity units are displayed under the quantity.
Tap Full to fill the tanks, or enter the desired quantity and tap Done.
Fuel quantity will be updated on this and subsequent legs (based on estimated fuel burn) as well as on the Nav tab.

If your aircraft has multiple tanks, the fuel tank selector window will open. Tap on the desired tank to adjust the fuel level.

If you select Clear Fuel Stop, you will get a warning, and if you select Ok, fuel will be reset to the calculated fuel remaining for that leg.

If you select Install Tank, you will be asked which legs you want it installed on.

Next the fuel quantity window will open and you can add the desired quantity.

Note: The Install Aux Tank button performs the same function as the main fuel button, and exists primarily to display auxiliary fuel quantity on board.
Tap the red trash can icon to remove the aux tanks.

Then select which leg or legs you want them removed from.

Clear and Copy
Tap Clear Load to remove all passengers and cargo.

Tap the Copy Config/Load To button to duplicate the load and/or configuration, and add it to one or more flight legs.
Switch the Copy Load as well? switch to off to just copy the configuration.