The Flight Coordinator role is broad, encompassing everything under the umbrella of “planning the flight.” It begins with the flight request and moves through the creation of Payment loads and Flight Manifests. It includes the scheduling of the flight, assigning crew and aircraft, and making sure that the aircraft is properly configured and loaded for the flight.
21. Crew Assignment
Video Version Pilot Assignment FlightSpan uses a default standard crew weight of 90 kilograms for calculating payload if a pilot is not yet assigned. From the Aircraft EFB Preferences tab, you can set a different default crew weight for each aircraft type, if desired. Pilots can be assigned or changed by clicking on the crew…
22. Configuring the Aircraft
Video Version Configuring the aircraft correctly for the mission can minimize planning errors and maximize payload. Note that configurations and fuel set in FlightSpan™ Ops for planning purposes will not be downloaded to the EFB; the pilot will ultimately be required to verify and set the configuration used on the actual aircraft. Open the Schedule…
23. Creating and Linking Loads
Video Version From the Scheduling Calendar, click on a flight to access the Schedule Detail page. While viewing the Schedule Detail, scroll down to the Loads sections. Non-Manifest Loads Manually Create Non-Manifest Load Non-Manifest Loads are generally outstation-outstation or outstation-home base loads. Create a new non-manifest load by clicking on the green plus button. Enter…
24. Flight Status and Notifications
Video Version Flight Status The primary purpose of a scheduled flight’s status value is to allow you to determine: Flights are color coded on the Scheduling Calendar and marked with a small letter in the upper right corner to indicate their status. As a general guide, here’s how each status is designed to be used…
25. Flight Manifests
Video Version Introduction A flight manifest is a collection of loads departing from a single location, but potentially having multiple destinations. They are either home base to out-station loads, or from a location where you have an agent who is logged into FlightSpan™ Ops and can create FlightSpan™ Ops manifests. (Not all organizations will choose…
26. Manifest List
Video Version The list of Flight Manifests can be accessed from any page by selecting Manifest List under the Flights menu, Or using the shortcut (if you have added it) from your home screen. By default manifests are sorted by date and time (which normally corresponds to the flight date and time), but sort order…
27. Creating a FlightSpan™ Manifest
Video Version The first and most common way of creating a manifest is when dropping a flight request containing an account number or payment record, select Create Manifest when FlightSpan™ asks if you wish to create a new manifest. When you drop the next flight request onto the schedule, you will be given the option…
28. Editing Manifests
Video Version Manifests can be edited by clicking on the manifest number from the Schedule Detail page. Multiple changes can be made in the header section of the manifest. You can link a manifest to a different flight on the schedule, change the departure date and time, edit the automatically generated manifest number, associate the…
29. Linking Loads to a Manifest
Video Version Add a New Load to a Manifest You can add a load to an existing manifest by opening the manifest, scrolling down and clicking the green plus button to create a new Payment Load. See the Creating Payments lesson for greater detail. If the payment is associated with an account, first select the…
31. Staff Time Off
Video Version Supervisor Role From the Staff / Users menu select Time Off List. To create time off for a staff member, click on the green plus button, fill in the blanks and save. To approve a time off request submitted by a staff member, click on the staff member’s name, then the edit button,…