The Flight Coordinator role is broad, encompassing everything under the umbrella of “planning the flight.” It begins with the flight request and moves through the creation of Payment loads and Flight Manifests. It includes the scheduling of the flight, assigning crew and aircraft, and making sure that the aircraft is properly configured and loaded for the flight.
11. Duplicating and Splitting
Video Version Split (Supersede) Load Sometimes only part of a load will be flown, or perhaps the customer shows up with less loading than they paid for. In either case you can split the load from the Payment Detail. If payment for a load has been made using a cash-type payment method (any method other…
12. Unlinking, Deleting, and Refunding Payments
Video Version Unlink from Scheduled Flight Unlink Payment from Non-Manifest Load Removing a Non-Manifest Load from a scheduled flight must be done from the Schedule Details page. Click on Load, then Unlink Payment From Flight. You will be asked to confirm that you want to unlink the load from the flight. Unlink Payment from Manifest…
13. Flight Coordinating
Video Version Flight Requests A customer flight request is normally where the Planning a Flight phase of flight coordinating begins. Flight Requests Page First we’ll look at how FlightSpan™ Ops organizes all the flight requests that come in. Access the Flight Requests page from the Home page if you have added the shortcut, or from…
14. Request Packages
Video Version Request Packages may be used for creating a series of flights that will be used repeatedly, for example training events. Create Request Package From the Settings menu select Requests. Then click on the Request Packages link on the left to pull up the list of existing request packages. Click on the green New…
15. Scheduling Calendar Features
Video Version The Scheduling Calendar is where the flight schedule is built and where the Flight Coordinator will spend most of their time. It is where flight requests can be assembled into flights, or where flights can be created from scratch. It contains all the necessary crew and aircraft availability information so that good scheduling…
16. Additional Calendar Views
Video Version Monthly View The monthly view, which can be accessed from the Schedule menu, is particularly useful for the Flight Coordinator to maintain the big picture. Each staff member can be assigned their own color code from the Staff Detail page. Each aircraft type also can be assigned its own color code from the Aircraft…
17. Scheduling Flights
Video Version There are three required components for every flight – the flight itself, loads, and a payment record for each load. (Some loads may not have a payment record until the flight is completed and uploaded. At that point the record will be created automatically.) Each of these has its own unique record number.…
18. Refining Scheduled Flight Details
Video Version Privacy, Tags, and Notes The flight may be hidden on the public calendar by checking the Private box. Tags Tags that may be visible on public (depending on the settings) and will be visible internal calendars may be added to a flight for a variety of reasons. Some examples where they might be…
19. Deleting and Duplicating Flights
Video Version Delete an entire Scheduled Flight If you wish to remove a scheduled flight from the calendar, click on the flight to open the Schedule Detail. Click on Delete Schedule then confirm you want to delete the schedule. All flight requests associated with the deleted flight will be restored to the Requests sidebar. Delete…
20. Aircraft Assignment
Video Version On the left side of the Scheduling Calendar in the Stats section, you can view aircraft availability. Hover over the aircraft to display upcoming maintenance events. If the company setting for forecasting overage hours is enabled, the number in parentheses are the overage hours, and are included in scheduling forecast calculations. In this…