The Fleet Management topic covers everything from adding and removing aircraft in your fleet, setting up maintenance schedules for each aircraft type, to scheduling and documenting the completion of maintenance.
1. Introduction to FlightSpan™ Ops
Video Version Overview FlightSpan™ consists of two major components: FlightSpan™ Ops, which is hosted on a cloud-based server and runs in a browser. And FlightSpan™, which is an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) app which runs on an Apple iPad. To oversimplify, a flight consists of three basic steps: Planning the Flight A customer submits a…
2. Getting Started
Video Version Account setup Request your new account from your company FlightSpan™ Ops administrator. They will send you an email with a temporary password. When you log in, FlightSpan™ Ops will open the reset password screen. After you click Change Password, you will be logged out and will have to log back in using the…
3. Navigation
Video Version User Permissions Access to data in FlightSpan™ Ops is customized based on user permissions. If you can’t access information that you need, communicate with your company FlightSpan™ administrator about giving you additional permissions. For example, Maintenance Controller may have a fairly short list of permissions, Whereas the company administrator may have permissions that…
4. Help
Video Version Integrated Help Throughout FlightSpan™ Ops, wherever you see a small question mark, hover your mouse over it for information about the meaning of the area or field. Also, important pieces of data have been enhanced to show additional information. Enhanced Data is underlined with a dashed line. Hover the mouse over the data…
5. Scheduling Calendar Features
Video Version The Scheduling Calendar is where the flight schedule is built and where the Flight Coordinator will spend most of their time. It is where flight requests can be assembled into flights, or where flights can be created from scratch. It contains all the necessary crew and aircraft availability information so that good scheduling…
6. Additional Calendar Views
Video Version Monthly View The monthly view, which can be accessed from the Schedule menu, is particularly useful for the Flight Coordinator to maintain the big picture. Each staff member can be assigned their own color code from the Staff Detail page. Each aircraft type also can be assigned its own color code from the Aircraft…
7. Aircraft Assignment
Video Version On the left side of the Scheduling Calendar in the Stats section, you can view aircraft availability. Hover over the aircraft to display upcoming maintenance events. If the company setting for forecasting overage hours is enabled, the number in parentheses are the overage hours, and are included in scheduling forecast calculations. In this…
8. Fleet Management
Video Version Individual aircraft of a given make and model that already exist in your instance of FlightSpan™ Ops can be added, made inactive, weights modified, and units of measure and labels changed. Certain performance parameters may also be edited. If you need to add a new aircraft make or model to your fleet, contact…
9. Edit an Aircraft
Video Version Edit Aircraft Details From the Aircraft List, click on the registration number of the aircraft to be edited. Edit the registration number, abbreviation, or Mode S code. Set Location if desired. See the Locations documentation for details. Aircraft Color and Equipment Code are for ICAO flight plans. Set the Order on the Scheduling…
10. Aircraft Type Settings
Video Version From the Aircraft Type List, click on the model aircraft to be edited. From the EFB Preferences tab, review each of the settings. If you need to change the default, click on the blue pencil icon. See the EFB Preferences document for details on the function of each preference. Set Maintenance Events here…