Tap a crew member’s name to change crew or to assign roles for this leg only.

Swap roles or seats by tapping the arrows.

Or tap a crew member’s role to pull up a list of available roles. You cannot assign both pilots to the same role.

Change to a different crew member by tapping their name, then selecting from the list of active pilots.
Crew weight is included automatically based on the data in FlightSpan™ Ops.

Note: The Legs section of the DFR will also be updated with crew or crew role changes.
Seat Configuration
Tap one of the quick configure buttons to change to one of the standard seat configurations.

Note: Seats will be removed from the aircraft and will not be stowed on board the aircraft.
The seat configuration for each button can be changed in the Aircraft Type EFB Preferences; however, the configuration icons will remain the same. If you need the icons changed, contact FlightSpan™ Support.

Tap an empty seat space to add a seat and standard passenger. Long tap to add the seat with no passenger, or the seat with a custom passenger.

Note: If the seat was stowed on board the aircraft, when it is installed, it will be removed from where it was stowed.
To remove a single seat, long press the seat to bring up the calculator and tap the ‘Out’ button

Select where you want the seat stowed.
You can remove the seat entirely, put it in the aft baggage compartment (if the aircraft is so equipped), or select a cargo pod compartment.

If you select one of the cargo pod compartments, the seat will be moved to that position and the cargo pod will now have a badge annotation indicating how many seats are stored in that compartment.
If you tap on a seat position that currently does not have a seat installed, and that seat is in the cargo pod, FlightSpan™ will move the seat from the pod to the cabin.

You can also store seats in the pod by long tapping the pod location. Choose which seat or seats you want to move to that location.

If you tap on the Aft Seats button (when applicable to your aircraft), you can choose which seat or seats you want to move to the aft baggage compartment.

If you tap on a seat position that currently does not have a seat installed, and that seat is in aft baggage, FlightSpan™ will move the seat from aft baggage to the cabin and add a standard weight passenger.
The Aft Seats list will pulse a larger bold twice when the change is made.

The aircraft configuration weight and CG include both installed and stowed seats.

Stretcher Configuration
Contact FlightSpan™ Support to initially configure an aircraft with a stretcher.
A quick configure button that includes a stretcher will be added.

If you select a quick link configuration that includes a stretcher, you will be asked to confirm the stretcher weight.

The default stretcher weight and cabin configuration can be changed in the Aircraft Type EFB Preferences.

Select which leg or legs to install the stretcher on.

Then select whether to stow the seats in the aft compartment or remove them from the aircraft.

Single tap a seat to add a passenger using the default weight. Tap a second time to remove the passenger.

Long tap a seat to enter a custom passenger weight.

Tap the Fill Seats button to fill all installed seats with standard weight passengers.

Tap Split Pax Load to divide the total weight of passengers evenly. If some seats are occupied, you can choose to cancel or overwrite.

Select how many seats you want to fill.

Then enter the total passenger weight and tap Done.

Existing passengers will be removed, and seats will be filled in the order set in FlightSpan™ Ops. The default order is front to back, left to right.

The default fill order can be changed in Aircraft Type EFB Preferences.

Tap the Aft button to add cargo in the aft compartment, if equipped. Max load is listed at the top.

Aircraft Equipment
Tap the Equipment button to change the installed aircraft equipment. Equipment included in the Basic Operating Weight will be on board by default. See the Editing Equipment instructions to set up aircraft equipment.

Toggle an item on or off to add or remove an item. The weight change associated with each item will be displayed in the right column, with the net change listed at the top.

Tap the Add All button to include all items; tap the Rmv All button to remove all items; and tap the Reset button to restore the default.

Custom aircraft equipment that is not included in the list can also be added. Both weight and arm are required.

Tap the Apply To button to add the selected equipment to one or more legs of the flight.

Tap All to select all legs, and Clear to remove all legs.
Tap Apply to apply the equipment changes to the current leg and all other selected legs and return to the equipment screen.

Scroll from one leg to the next using the Leg arrows. Each leg can be set independently.

Tap Done to save all changes and return to the weight and balance tab.

Tap Done And Apply To to apply changes to one or more of the legs as previously described. When you tap Done on the Apply to Legs page, the changes will be saved and you will be returned to the Weight and Balance tab.

The equipment weight change will be displayed on the equipment button, and the configuration weight and cg will also be updated.