This learning track guides pilots through the parts of FlightSpan™ Ops that they will need to understand, (flight schedule, monitoring duty time and currency, managing their logbook, making deposits, etc.) as well as how FlightSpan™ on the EFB functions, and how to take advantage of all of its powerful features to make it easy to do the right thing.
32. Messaging
Video Version Now that you have completed your checkout at NOI, you will continue with the NOI-WAVA leg of the flight that you planned, but after departure you will receive a message asking for a diversion. People are clamoring to go with you to Mulia, so you’ll start by reviewing weight and balance and performance…
33. Diversion Planning
Video Version In this lesson you will learn how to quickly and easily plan a diversion, while at the same time modifying your DFR to accurately reflect how the flight was actually flown. The simplest way to plan a diversion is from the MAP tab. Tap on Direct Nearest and select SIK from the list,…
34. Exporting a Load
Video Version In this lesson you will fly the last leg of the flight from SIK-WAJJ and learn how to export a load to the DFR. On the W&B / SIK-WAJJ tab, your passengers all weigh less than 70 kilograms, so fill the seats to 70 kilograms each, and place their 87 kilograms of cargo…
35. Completing the DFR
Video Version In this lesson, you will learn how to complete the DFR and upload it to FlightSpan™ Ops. LEGS Section If you are equipped with v2track when you select the DFR tab, this is what you will see, since FlightSpan™ has been capturing data from v2track and recording it in the LEGS section throughout…
36. Recording Currency Events
Video Version Currency events that are set to sync with the EFB can be uploaded with the DFR, which will then automatically update the pilot’s currency records. From the Load section of the DFR, select New Load. Then select the leg on which the currency event took place. Select the NonRev load type. Look for…
37. Non FlightSpan™ Manifests
Video Version At out-stations, flight crew can use non FlightSpan™ manifests—these can be manual/paper manifests created by your own organization in locations that don’t have access to FlightSpan™ Ops, or paper manifests created by another organization for loads going on your aircraft. The pilot can enter the non-FlightSpan™ manifest into the DFR by selecting New…
38. Pilots Issuing Manual Receipts
Video Version Pilots may issue manual receipts during a flight. There are two related ways to do this on the EFB. From the DFR From the Loads section of the DFR, tap New Load. And select the leg that the load will be carried on. Select Receipt. Select the receipt number of the written receipt…
39. Cash Deposits Page
Video Version As you generate electronic receipts, the ones you are responsible for will show up in your reminders. You can click on a receipt to open the Cash Deposits Page. Or from the Home page, if you’ve added the shortcut, click on the Cash Deposits icon; or from any page, select Cash Deposits from…
40. Making Cash Deposits
Video Version As a good business practice, at least once per day, each individual who has generated receipts should deposit their cash accompanied by the cash deposit form. Electronic Receipts From the Cash Deposits page, click on the green New button, then select the date, the individual making the deposit, and the currency to be…
41. Pilot Logbook Entries
Video Version Logbook entries are made when completing and uploading the DFR. If your aircraft is equipped with v2Track, block times and landings should already be captured. If you need to edit block times or enter them manually, tap on the block cell you wish to edit. Block Time defaults to Day for both the…