
This learning track guides pilots through how FlightSpan™ on the EFB functions, and how to take advantage of all of its powerful features to make it easy to do the right thing. It also covers the parts of FlightSpan™ Ops that they will need to understand, (flight schedule, monitoring duty time and currency, managing their logbook, making deposits, etc.).

  • 31. Performance Parameters

    The gross weight from the W&B tab is pre-filled. You can experiment with different weights by tapping on the weight. Weight will turn orange to indicate it doesn’t match the calculated weight from the W&B tab. Reset to the calculated weight by opening any other tab and returning to the takeoff performance tab. Note: The…

  • 32. Takeoff Performance

    When you send the trip manifest, FlightSpan™ will automatically switch to the TakeOff Perf tab. The takeoff performance page is separated into three sections – the header, the runway, and the parameters. Header In the header section you can If the estimated takeoff roll exceeds the maximum amount of runway your company allows for takeoff,…

  • 33. Helicopter and Amphibious Performance

    Helicopter Performance Hover Out of Ground Effect and Hover In Ground effect are calculated for helicopters. The first HOGE row displays the estimated maximum pressure altitude for HOGE performance at your current calculated weight. The number in parenthesis is the difference between estimated max and the current PA, and represents an indication of performance margin.…

  • 34. Map Tab

    The Map Tab information and controls are located around the edges of the map. Top bar, left to right Left Side, top to bottom GPS accuracy indicates green with a good signal, and as the signal degrades the bar will turn yellow, then red. Any time the GPS signal is poor (not green) a GPS…

  • 35. Right Side and Bottom

    Right Side The first block displays ETAs at each waypoint to your next destination. Smart ETAs are displayed during the climb in italics. The smart ETE is also in italics. (Smart ETAs are calculated based on the actual climb groundspeed, remaining time to cruise altitude, and the calculated cruise groundspeed.) In cruise and descent, ETAs…

  • 36. Arrival Tab

    There are three sub tabs under the arrival tab – Runway Chart, Landing Performance, and Post Landing. Runway Chart While en route, if the Automatic Approach Briefing setting is set to ‘Yes’ in FlightSpan™ Ops, when Vertical Speed Required (displayed in the header, so it is visible from all tabs) reaches the target, if you…

  • 37. Post Landing

    FlightSpan™ will automatically switch to the Post Landing tab when it senses that the aircraft has landed. Tap the On The Ground button to send the on the ground report via the v2 tracker. The calculator will open with the estimated landing fuel prefilled. Enter the actual fuel remaining and tap Done. The On the…

  • 38. Message Tab

    The message tab is divided into two sections. On the left all conversations are shown, and on the right are the messages from the currently selected conversation. The Flight Following log conversation is a permanent conversation, always listed at the top of the list of conversations.  Any time the trip manifest or on the ground…

  • 39. Documents Tab

    Under the Docs tab, there are three sub tabs: All Documents, My Notes, and Schedule. All Documents When you open the Docs tab, the All Documents tab will be open with My Flight Documents selected. My Flight Documents are all documents that pertain to the flight: Tap the Viewing By link to open other display…

  • 40. Flight Following

    For the FlightSpan™ Flight Following features to function, your aircraft must be equipped with the v2track asset monitoring and communication system. Before the First Flight Prior to the first flight, authorize the iPad to connect with the v2 tracker. Before Takeoff The v2 tracker requires a couple of minutes to boot up after powering on.…