FSO Setup

When you are first getting started using FlightSpan™, much of the setup is done for you by FlightSpan™ Support. But each flight operation is unique, and a high level of customization is available to help FlightSpan™ conform to your operation. This series of lessons will help guide you through the process of customizing FlightSpan™ to meet your company needs.

  • 33. Flight Requests Setup

    Video Version The customer flight request form can be customized for your company’s unique needs. Custom Settings From the Settings menu choose Company, then Custom Settings List from the Company menu on the left side bar, and search “request”. Use the blue pencil icons to edit each item. Control what flight requests customers can access…

  • 34. Add Custom Fields

    Video Version From the Settings menu select Requests, then Flight Request Custom Fields from the Request Settings menu. Click the green New button to create a custom field. Enter a Label, (which will appear on the form), and select the type of field you want. (Note there are five different types of fields available.) If…

  • 35. Email Notifications Setup

    Video Version Select Requests from the Settings menu, then select Email Notifications from the Notifications menu. Click on the language(s) to edit each of the automatic notifications in the respective languages as desired. Note that the email will be sent in the preferred language your customer has set in their flight request profile. Click Edit, and…

  • 36. New Request Users

    Video Version Account Request from Customer Customers can submit a request for an account from the public flight request page at https://your org.flightspan.com/public/login by clicking Signup. A notification email will be sent to the address set under Flight Request User Verification Email that was set in the Custom Settings. Click on the email link, or…

  • 37. Password Reset

    Video Version Depending on the setting chosen under Custom Settings, users may or may not be able to reset their own password. Reset Own Password If you have opted for users to be able to reset their own password, the user can select Account from the menu at the top, enter the new password, and…