FSO Setup

When you are first getting started using FlightSpan™, much of the setup is done for you by FlightSpan™ Support. But each flight operation is unique, and a high level of customization is available to help FlightSpan™ conform to your operation. This series of lessons will help guide you through the process of customizing FlightSpan™ to meet your company needs.

  • 1. Introduction to FlightSpan™ Ops

    Video Version Overview FlightSpan™ consists of two major components: FlightSpan™ Ops, which is hosted on a cloud-based server and runs in a browser.  And FlightSpan™, which is an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) app which runs on an Apple iPad. To oversimplify, a flight consists of three basic steps: Planning the Flight A customer submits a…

  • 2. Getting Started

    Video Version Account setup Request your new account from your company FlightSpan™ Ops administrator. They will send you an email with a temporary password. When you log in, FlightSpan™ Ops will open the reset password screen.  After you click Change Password, you will be logged out and will have to log back in using the…

  • 3. Navigation

    Video Version User Permissions Access to data in FlightSpan™ Ops is customized based on user permissions. If you can’t access information that you need, communicate with your company FlightSpan™ administrator about giving you additional permissions. For example, Maintenance Controller may have a fairly short list of permissions, Whereas the company administrator may have permissions that…

  • 4. Help

    Video Version Integrated Help Throughout FlightSpan™ Ops, wherever you see a small question mark, hover your mouse over it for information about the meaning of the area or field. Also, important pieces of data have been enhanced to show additional information. Enhanced Data is underlined with a dashed line. Hover the mouse over the data…

  • 5. Company Settings

    Video Version When getting started with FlightSpan™ Ops, it’s important to ensure that company settings conform to your flight operations. Edit Your Company From any page select Company from the Settings menu.  Select Company List from the Company menu on the left, and click on the company name to edit. Click Edit, update as much…

  • 6. Custom Settings

    Video Version Select Custom Settings List from the Company menu, and work your way through the list, using the blue pencil icon to change settings as needed. Most are self explanatory, but a couple benefit from additional explanation: Manifest Number Format If left blank, manifests will simply be listed as incrementing numbers.  Custom manifest number…

  • 7. Company Holidays and Work Shifts

    Video Version Next select Company Holidays from the Company menu, and begin adding holidays using the green New button. Holidays are considered when FlightSpan™ Ops creates automated schedules such as maintenance events.  Set recurring and multiple-day holidays using their respective buttons.  Holidays that change dates each year will have to be set individually each year. …

  • 8. Tags and Approaches

    Video Version Tags Tags may be added to a flight for a variety of reasons. Some examples where they might be useful are: Select Tags List from the Company menu. Create a new Tag using the green New button, and edit or delete tags using the respective blue pencil and red trash can icons. Check…

  • 9. Fiscal Years and Billing Periods

    Video Version Set Fiscal Years Select Fiscal Years List from the Billing Periods menu, and edit by clicking on the year or create new using the green “New” button.  Name the year and set the Fiscal Year beginning and ending dates.  Set Billing Periods Select Billing Periods List from the Billing Periods menu, and edit…

  • 10. Cash/Currency

    Video Version For each of the currencies you will use, complete the following process: Select Currency List from the Cash/Currency menu.  Search for the currency and click on the name.  Edit the Currency Settings, including decimals displayed and rounding rules. A rounding precision of 0 with Standard Rounding set to Yes will result in rounding…