
This learning track guides pilots through how FlightSpan™ on the EFB functions, and how to take advantage of all of its powerful features to make it easy to do the right thing. It also covers the parts of FlightSpan™ Ops that they will need to understand, (flight schedule, monitoring duty time and currency, managing their logbook, making deposits, etc.).

  • 51. Tracking Staff Currency

    Video Version Staff currency may be tracked by the staff member, by the currency event, or by the currency group. Tracking by Staff Anywhere you find a staff member’s name you may click on it, then select the Currency Status tab. The view will be slightly different depending which page you are on when you…

  • 52. Updating Currency Status

    Video Version Automatic Update If Sync with EFB is checked for pilot currency events on both the Currency Group List and the Currency Event Detail, the event can be updated from the EFB. In the following example, Anna Holmes is due for a PC-6 Proficiency Check by the end of July. When completing the DFR, create…

  • 53. Waypoint Endorsements

    Video Version Waypoint endorsements are used to track whether a pilot is authorized to operate at a particular airport, and if any limitations have been placed on a pilot for any of the runways at an airport. The flight coordinator will not be prevented from scheduling a non-endorsed pilot. Waypoint endorsements can be entered from…

  • 54. Inspections and NOTAMs

    Video Version Inspections and NOTAMs are accessed from the Waypoints page. Waypoint Inspections Inspections are automatically updated when a pilot reports a runway or LZ has been inspected through the FlightSpan™ EFB. Select Waypoint Inspections List from the Navigation Data menu, and if needed manually add new inspections with the green plus button, or edit…

  • 55. Staff Time Off

    Video Version Supervisor Role From the Staff / Users menu select Time Off List. To create time off for a staff member, click on the green plus button, fill in the blanks and save.  To approve a time off request submitted by a staff member, click on the staff member’s name, then the edit button,…