
This learning track guides pilots through how FlightSpan™ on the EFB functions, and how to take advantage of all of its powerful features to make it easy to do the right thing. It also covers the parts of FlightSpan™ Ops that they will need to understand, (flight schedule, monitoring duty time and currency, managing their logbook, making deposits, etc.).

  • 11. Route

    The legs section is where you can: Tap a route pair in the leg column to open the route screen. The arrival airport of the leg you tapped will be highlighted. Add Destination Waypoints There are several ways to add the desired waypoint: First, you can select your destination from a scrolling list of waypoints.…

  • 12. Enter Flight Data

    Flight Records and Logbook entries are made when completing and uploading the DFR. The following data should be captured and recorded automatically: If your aircraft is equipped with v2 Track, engine starts will also be captured and recorded automatically. Note that all automatically recorded data may be overwritten by the crew at any time. ATD/ATA…

  • 13. Edit Loads

    In the Loads section, you can: Loads are color-coded to help the pilot quickly identify them: Manifest Tap on a Manifest load to view the details; share it by tapping the blue up arrow icon, or remove it from the flight using the Remove This Manifest button. Manifests are managed in FlightSpan™ Ops and cannot…

  • 14. New Loads

    To create a new load, tap the blue New Load button. Select the route as previously described. Select the load type from the list. Account Number Search for and select the account number. Note: The default rate associated with the account number will be automatically selected. Then, either select the Load Description from the list…

  • 15. Non Revenue Items

    To add a Non Revenue Item, create a new load as previously described, then select Non Revenue Items from the list. Next select from a list of items that are already associated with rates and account numbers—this reduces the amount of data entry required of the flight crew. The rates and account numbers are set…

  • 16. Bill Engine Run Time

    FlightSpan™ captures engine start and stop times from the v2 tracker, which can be used for billing engine run time on helicopters only. From the LEGS section of the DFR, tap New Load and select the destination pair you want, and tap Next. Select Bill Engine Run Time (note that this option will be disabled…

  • 17. Nav Tab

    The Nav tab is divided into three main sections – route, NOTAMs, and flight planning. A calculator is included in the NOTAMs section. Route Route legs and icons are color coded to indicate leg and fuel status: NOTAMs NOTAMs for all runways on your route will be displayed in the NOTAMs section. If a runway…

  • 18. Route Planning

    Tap on a route pair in the Leg column to open the destination selection list so you can edit the route as described in the DFR Route documentation. The selected or active leg is highlighted. Tap on a leg in the Route/Complete column to open the route waypoint selection window to edit the route. Select…

  • 19. Fuel Planning

    To ensure accurate fuel planning, altitudes and winds must first be set. Tap on the FL column on the desired leg to select a different cruising altitude. Tap the first wind block to set the wind direction for the highlighted leg and all following legs. Tap the second wind block to set the wind speed…

  • 20. Flight Plan

    From the Nav tab, tap Flight Plan to open your flight plan for editing and export. The Flight Plan ETD defaults to the scheduled departure time and date for flights downloaded from FlightSpan™ Ops, or 30 minutes from now for flights created on the iPad. Tap the ETD button to change the departure time and…