Fleet Management

The Fleet Management topic covers everything from adding and removing aircraft in your fleet, setting up maintenance schedules for each aircraft type, to scheduling and documenting the completion of maintenance.

  • 11. Maintenance Control

    Video Version Introduction FlightSpan™ Ops is not maintenance management software, and is not intended to replace the system you are currently using. However it does have some maintenance tracking features to enable the flight operations and maintenance departments to coordinate their schedules and plan for maintenance events. Before you can begin tracking the maintenance, you’ll…

  • 12. New Aircraft Setup

    Video Version Aircraft Hours From the Aircraft Records menu on the left side bar, select Aircraft Hours History List and click the green New button.  Note that shortcuts for Aircraft Hours History, Aircraft Maintenance Events, and Aircraft Weighing Results can be added to your home page from My Settings/My Information by editing Dashboard Quick Links…

  • 13. Recording Maintenance

    Video Version From the Aircraft Maintenance Events tab, click on the green plus button to enter maintenance events. When adding an aircraft to your fleet, you should enter at least one historical maintenance record for each maintenance event you have created. Select the aircraft and enter the event details. Actual Start and Completion Dates are required…

  • 14. Viewing Scheduled Maintenance

    Video Version Calendar Views Maintenance events can be viewed on the Two Day calendar, the Scheduling Calendar, and on the Monthly calendar. Hover over the event to see the details. On the scheduling calendar, click on the event to edit the details.  Any time there is a maintenance event scheduled during the calendar range, a…

  • 15. Troubleshooting Missing or Inaccurate Target Hours

    Video Version If there are no auto fill hours in the next inspection (such as the 100 hour inspection below), or if the hours are wrong do the following:  Delete the future 100 hour inspection using the red trash can icon. Click the blue pencil icon to edit the last inspection event, but don’t make…