Payments are the backbone of FlightSpan™ Ops. Proper functioning of Payments is dependent on the proper setup and management of Accounts and Rates, currencies and multiple means of payment. This course will guide you through both setting up the financial architecture as well as the management of day to day financial operations.
23. Creating Payments
Video Version There are multiple ways to create payments. Method One – Create New Open Payment Form There are multiple places where you can access the New Payment form. If you have added the shortcut to the Home page, create a new payment by clicking on the New Payment icon, Or from any page, select…
24. Prepaid Accounts
Video Version Customer accounts in FlightSpan™ may be charge/post-paid accounts (the default) or prepaid. Prepaid account customers can put funds on deposit on their account to maintain a credit balance with your company against which any flight charges they incur will be charged. When creating a new prepaid account, change the Prepaid toggle to Yes.…
25. Printing Payment Records
Video Version Cash Receipt Cash and other company authorized forms of payment such as credit card or bank transfer are all treated like a cash receipt. For traceability the credit card or bank transfer transaction number should be put in the description. A cash-type payment from an account holder can be linked to their account…
26. Linking Payments
Video Version Linking to Scheduled Flights From the Payment A Payment Load can be linked to a manifest using the blue airplane button. Search by manifest ID, manifest number, departure identifier, or destination identifier. Both the Manifest number and the Schedule number (if the manifest is linked to a scheduled flight) will be displayed.…
27. Duplicating and Splitting
Video Version Split (Supersede) Load Sometimes only part of a load will be flown, or perhaps the customer shows up with less loading than they paid for. In either case you can split the load from the Payment Detail. If payment for a load has been made using a cash-type payment method (any method other…
28. Unlinking, Deleting, and Refunding Payments
Video Version Unlink from Scheduled Flight Unlink Payment from Non-Manifest Load Removing a Non-Manifest Load from a scheduled flight must be done from the Schedule Details page. Click on Load, then Unlink Payment From Flight. You will be asked to confirm that you want to unlink the load from the flight. Unlink Payment from Manifest…
29. Cash Management
Video Version Cash Refunds For instructions on how to issue a cash refund, see the Refunds section of the Unlinking, Deleting, and Refunding Payments lesson. Receipts There are two types of receipts in FlightSpan™ Ops: A unique prefix may be added to the receipts to help distinguish between them. From the Settings > Company menu,…
30. Cash Deposits Page
Video Version As you generate electronic receipts, the ones you are responsible for will show up in your reminders. You can click on a receipt to open the Cash Deposits Page. Or from the Home page, if you’ve added the shortcut, click on the Cash Deposits icon; or from any page, select Cash Deposits from…
31. Making Cash Deposits
Video Version As a good business practice, at least once per day, each individual who has generated receipts should deposit their cash accompanied by the cash deposit form. Electronic Receipts From the Cash Deposits page, click on the green New button, then select the date, the individual making the deposit, and the currency to be…
32. Reports
Video Version For instructions on how to customize reports, see the Company Locations documentation. Access reports from the Home screen if you have added the shortcut, or from any screen by clicking the Reports icon on the menu bar. There are a number of cash reports under the Payments heading that are particularly relevant for…